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Type: Groupe de galaxies ... (M33), la galaxie de Barnard (NGC 6822) et IC 1613 — et trois membres potentiels — IC 10 ainsi que NGC 6946 et IC 342. Over the last century or so, it’s produced more supernovas than any other galaxy. The late-type spiral galaxy NGC 6946 is a prime example of molecular gas dynamics driven by ‘bars within bars’. Basic data : NGC 6946 -- HII Galaxy. The image of the face-on spiral galaxy NGC 6946 is ablaze with a colourful galactic fireworks display fuelled by the births and deaths of multitudes of … 158 micron forbidden C II mapping of NGC 6946 - Probing the atomic medium A well-sampled map (23 x 17 kpc) of the strong 158 micron forbidden C II cooling line in the Scd galaxy NGC 6946 at 55 arcsec resolution is presented which was taken with the MPE/UCB Far-infrared Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer (FIFI) in the Kuiper Airborne Observatory. H-alpha measurements of the late-type spiral galaxy NGC 6946 are presented. But that was not the case from my backyard. NGC 6946.

Read on … Object Description: The type of astronomical object. For this reason NGC 6946 has sometimes been referred to as the "Fireworks Galaxy". R.A. NGC 6946 is a rather nearby spiral galaxy, which at one time was suspected to be an outlying member of the Local Group (Hubble 1936). It gets its name because it is said to look like a pair of insect antennae. NGC 6946 is a nearby (D = 6.1 Mpc, 1 arcsec = 29.6 pc) disc galaxy with a high star formation rate (SFR = 4.8 M ⊙ yr −1 Lee 2006), which is ∼4 times the SFR of NGC 628. The Fireworks Galaxy, Caldwell 12, NGC 6946 - posted in Sketching: I had observed this galaxy before with a pair of 15x70mm binoculars from a dark location. () Anterior to 2007, before we can link the objet type to a reference, or given by the CDS team in some particular cases. In 1967 being a big fan of NASA and Star Trek , I got my first Scope an 80mm f/15 Tasco Refractor on an Alt-Az mount. The galaxy NGC 6946 is a fan favourite among astronomers, thanks to its frequent supernovas and face-on position. Several strange objects in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946 are described. NGC 6946 is a medium-sized, face-on spiral galaxy about 22 million light years away from Earth. Nowadays, NGC 6946 has a moderate star formation rate, similar with that of the Milky Way. This contributes to the importance of the NGC 6946 analysis to access differences between the systems. NGC 6946, also known as the Fireworks Galaxy, is a 9th magnitude face-on spiral galaxy positioned on the border between Cepheus and Cygnus. Dit sterrenstelsel, met de bijnaam 'Fireworks Galaxy', is een mooi voorbeeld van … Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) New Movie Releases This Weekend: November 26-28; New Movies to Watch with Your Family this Thanksgiving! The Fireworks Galaxy is located in the constellation Cygnus and its a classical "face on" type. It seems to rotate in the opposite direction to what it should according to its shape. O objeto original, chamado de progenitor, pode colapsar em uma estrela de nêutrons ou em um buraco negro, podendo ainda ser completamente destruído. Let’s begin with the brightest: NGC 6946. And surveys have revealed almost 200 possible supernova remnants – the remains of stars that exploded in the last few thousand years. NGC 7013 is an edge-on spiral or lenticular galaxy that glows at magnitude 12.4 and spans some 4'. So I expected that the jump from 70mm to 400mm would result in a major improvement of the looks of this galaxy. The Fireworks Galaxy is of the intermediate spiral type, showing signs of a central bar, though this is not so well defined as in a full barred spiral galaxy. Spectra of supernova 2017eaw in NGC 6946. In the past century, eight supernovas have been observed to explode in the arms of this galaxy. NGC-6946 – "The Supernova Factory Galaxy" – is situated very close to the Cepheus’ border but actually hides in Cygnus and is the brightest galaxy in the entire constellation. Siêu tân tinh là sự kiện mãnh liệt hơn sự kiện sao mới (nova).Trong tiếng Latinh, nova có nghĩa là "mới", mà trong thiên văn học đề cập đến sự xuất hiện tạm thời của một sao sáng mới. adshelp[at] The ADS is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under NASA Cooperative Agreement 80NSSC21M0056 galaxies, a population of HVCs, or remnants from a primordial 1 I NTR O DUC TION reservoir of gas out of which NGC 6946 is still forming (e.g. NGC 6946 is een prachtig spiraalvormig sterrenstelsel in het sterrenbeeld Cepheus van magnitude 8.9. When I saw NGC 6939 next to the Fireworks Galaxy, I knew this would be the one to work on. that SN 2004et is a Type II event, which was subsequently confirmed by a low-resolution optical spectrum (Filippenko et al. The astronomer compared an image of NGC 6946 from some years prior, with images snapped on May 12 and 14, 2017. NGC 6946 has an unusually high rate of supernovae production compared to our Milky Way galaxy, whose rate averages just one supernova event per century. This is the more remarkable as our Galaxy comprises twice as many stars. NGC 6946, also known as the Fireworks Galaxy or Caldwell 12, is a face-on intermediate spiral galaxy with a small bright nucleus, whose location in the sky straddles the boundary between the northern constellations of Cepheus and Cygnus.Its distance from Earth is about 25.2 million light-years or 7.72 megaparsecs, similar to the distance of M101 in the constellation Ursa Major. This is a dual galaxy. NGC 6946. It was discovered by William Herschel in September 9, 1798. By comparison, the Milky Way galaxy, which has double the number of stars as NGC 6946, averages one supernova event per century. NICMOS was calibrated to isolate a very specific type of light emitted by hydrogen gas in the infrared. This is about ten times the rate observed in our Milky Way galaxy, even though the Milky Way has twice as many stars as NGC 6946. The supernova – a powerful explosion of a dying star – erupted north of the galaxy’s centre and was named SN 2017eaw. Origin of the objects types : (Ref) Object type as listed in the reference "Ref". We employ a Bayesian maximum-likelihood modeling method that incorporates the completeness of the photometry, and allows us to model the luminosity function of the RGB population. NGC 6946 is a nearby, late-type (Scd) spiral galaxy which is Navarro & White 1994). It has had eight recorded supernovae, the most of any galaxy. There are probably no more esthetically pleasing structures in nature than a spiral, and this is especially true when one looks at the many different types of galaxies. Chandra observations (purple) have, in fact, revealed three of the oldest supernovas ever detected in X-rays, giving more credence to its nickname of the "Fireworks Galaxy." Up to now I took eight spectra: 16) NGC 6946 – This face-on spiral galaxy has the rather unusual classification of SAB(rs)cd, which refers to the fact that it has a poorly-developed bar across the middle (the AB in the classification), a small core with a number of well-developed spiral arms (the cd), and an inner If you look close enough, you may even see some smudges from some fainter +14.5-17 magnitude galaxies in the background. NGC 6946. OSTI.GOV Journal Article: Origins of the 12-200 micron flux in NGC 6946 - Starlight and continuum dust emission from AN Sc galaxy Journal Article: Origins of the 12-200 micron flux in NGC 6946 - Starlight and continuum dust emission from AN Sc galaxy Tiền tố "super-siêu" phân biệt siêu tân tinh từ tân tinh thông thường, có độ sáng nhỏ hơn rất nhiều. NGC 6946, also known as the Fireworks Galaxy or Caldwell 12, is a face-on intermediate spiral galaxy with a small bright nucleus, whose location in the sky straddles the boundary between the northern constellations of Cepheus and Cygnus. Assuming an initial mass function, the H-alpha data are used to calculate the total star formation rate and efficiency of massive star formation as a function of galactocentric radius. We report the results of a survey of the H i environment of NGC 6946 in a search for gas-rich companions to the galaxy. The powerful Gemini Observatory took this image of spiral galaxy NGC 6946, which is awash in star formation. With maximum brightness of V=12.8 mag it is easy reachable whithin the Alpy600 spectrograph. NGC 6946 makes an ideal candidate for our study for a few different reasons. NGC, 6946, at lower left, is commonly known as the Fireworks Galaxy, and it’s easy to see why. We have found a massive nuclear concentration of molecular gas with a scale of 300 pc and a molecular bar … Close-Up of Galaxy NGC 6946 in Infrared ... NGC 6946: R.A. Without the extinction from the Milky Way, it would be even brighter by roughly 1.6 magnitudes. From the core outward, the galaxy's colors change from the yellowish light of old stars in the center to young blue star clusters and reddish star forming … Open cluster NGC 6939 is to the lower right and spiral galaxy NGC 6946 is to the upper left. () Anterior to 2007, before we can link the objet type to a reference, or given by the CDS team in some particular cases. In the image, the face-on spiral galaxy NGC 6946 is ablaze with colorful galactic fireworks fueled by the births and deaths of multitudes of brilliant, massive stars. Astronomers recognise two main types of supernovas: Type Ia and Type II. 웹 해킹 - 웹 페이지 관련 구성 파일 이름목록 .php cgi-bin admin images search includes .html cache wp-admin plugins modules wp-includes login themes templates index js … Anyway, I’m always trying to get a good impression of these objects. THE SPIRAL GALAXY NGC 6946 is the most productive supernova factory of the past century. Both fit in the field of view nicely, so here is NGC 6939 and NGC 6946. NGC 6946 is een prachtig spiraalvormig sterrenstelsel in het sterrenbeeld Cepheus van magnitude 8.9. NGC 6946 is situated close to the northern celestial pole and, as such, it is visible for most part of the year from the northern hemisphere.

From Redmond , Fireworks Galaxy is visible all night because it is circumpolar.It will be highest in the sky at dusk, becoming accessible around 17:46 (PST), 74° above your north-western horizon. Query : NGC 6946. The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Scientific and Technical Information . on Sunday, October 9, 2016. NGC 6946 (other designations - PGC 65001, UGC 11597, MCG 10-29-6, ZWG 304.6, Arp 29, IRAS20338 + 5958, Caldwell 12) - a spiral galaxy with a jumper ( SBc), which is located at a distance of approximately 22 million light-years [1] in the constellation Cygnus, on the border with Cepheus.Opened by W. Herschel on September 9, 1798. It lies about 2° southeast of NGC 6995. Here, we use data from the BIMA Survey of Nearby Galaxies and HERA CO-Line Extragalactic Survey to analyse the structure and stability of its molecular NGC 4622, PGC 42701. NGC 6946, or "The Fireworks Galaxy", is one of about a dozen nearby neighbors to the Milky Way. Position: 20h 34m 52.69s: Dec. N6946-BH1 is a disappearing giant star in another galaxy, NGC 6946, on the northern border of the constellation of Cygnus.The star, either a red supergiant or a yellow hypergiant, was 25 times the mass of the sun, and was 20 million light years distant from Earth. This galaxy is a … The reddish highlights are star-forming regions, similar to the Orion Nebula in our own Milky Way galaxy. NGC 6946, also known as the Fireworks Galaxy, is an intermediate spiral galaxy in Cepheus.

Mysterie: Is water wel nodig? ULX-4 is the green blob near the bottom of the galaxy. NGC 6946 is highly obscured by interstellar matter of the Milky Way galaxy, as it is quite close to the galactic plane. NGC 6946. In the last century alone, NGC 6946 has experienced 10 observed supernovae, earning its nickname as the Fireworks Galaxy. So NGC 6946 is also known as the Fireworks Galaxy.The galaxy is NGC 6946, the Fireworks Galaxy was discovered by William Hershel in 1798. The orientation of nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946 enables us to measure vertical gas velocities in the disk of the galaxy and therefore measure how the … It is located approximately 10 million light-years away in the Cepheus constellation. items you'll need to follow along with this tutorial. Image credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech. NGC 6946 in NASA/IPAC Extragalactic database, Magnitude: 9.61 Astronomy Picture of the Day Facing NGC 6946 2008 August 15 Astronomy Picture of the Day … Spectroscopy says it is a type IIP supernova: SN 2017eaw. NGC 6622 is a compact barred spiral that has an unobscured nuclear region, while the disk of the galaxy is mostly surrounded by dust and stars from NGC 6621. This was an important moment in my life!

Fireworks Galaxy C12, NGC 6946. We report the results of a survey of the H i environment of NGC 6946 in a search for gas-rich companions to the galaxy. N6946-BH1 is a disappearing giant star in another galaxy, NGC 6946, on the northern border of the constellation of Cygnus.The star, either a red supergiant or a yellow hypergiant, was 25 times the mass of the sun, and was 20 million light years distant from Earth.

NGC 6946, (also known as the Fireworks Galaxy, Arp 29, and Caldwell 12), is an intermediate spiral galaxy about 18 million light-years away, in the constellations Cepheus and Cygnus. These constellations are visble for most of the night from my backyard, in spite of the short Summer nights. For those having troubles locating the target here is a post that will help locate near by objects. NGC 6946 is the galactic equivalent of the Fourth of July – the source of a whole lot of fireworks. NGC 6822 (also known as Barnard's Galaxy, IC 4895, or Caldwell 57) is a barred irregular galaxy approximately 1.6 million light-years away in the constellation Sagittarius.Part of the Local Group of galaxies, it was discovered by E. E. Barnard in 1884 (hence its name), with a six-inch refractor telescope.It is one of the closer galaxies to the Milky Way. Este evento astronômico transitório ocorre durante os últimos estágios evolutivos de uma estrela massiva ou quando uma anã branca inicia uma fusão nuclear descontrolada. Position: Right ascension – analogous to … Communities in Manitoba. View profile Send private message Share; Navigation context User gallery This makes it the most prolific known galaxy for this type of event over a period of 100 years. The word is derived from the Greek galaxias (γαλαξίας), literally "milky", a reference to the Milky Way.Galaxies range in size from dwarfs with just a few hundred million (10 8) stars to giants with one hundred trillion (10 14) stars, each orbiting its galaxy's center of mass. In the past century, eight supernovas have been observed to explode in the arms of this galaxy. Please click on the image for a bigger view. Since the last Milky Way supernova explosion 140 years ago, NGC 6946 has churned out nine supernovae--in 1917, 1939, 1948, 1968, 1969, 1980, 2002, 2004, and 2008--earning it the nickname "Firecracker Galaxy." In 2017, NuSTAR observed the NGC 6946 galaxy twice in … Origin of the objects types : (Ref) Object type as listed in the reference "Ref". Both were once considered to be part of the Local Group, but are now known to be among the dozen bright spiral galaxies near the Milky Way but beyond the confines of the Local Group. NGC 6946 lies within the Virgo Supercluster. Show on Sky Map. The former means the structure of NGC 6946 sits between a full spiral and a barred spiral galaxy, with only a slight bar in its centre, and the latter means it … View. From our vantage point in the Milky Way Galaxy, we see NGC 6946 face-on. It has a high level of star formation throughout its disk in addition to a strong nuclear starburst region. Supernova type IIP discovered in NGC 6946 the fireworks galaxy by Patrick Wiggins (USA) in 2017/05/14, located on the boarder between the Constellations Cygnus and Cepheus. The most fascinating characteristic of this galaxy are the frequent supernova explosions, facing the astrophysists to a great number of scientific problems. The CO (J = 1-0) emission in the central 65" (1.7 kpc) region of the nearby late-type spiral galaxy NGC 6946 has been mapped using the Nobeyama Millimeter Array (NMA). 14 May 2017. The Whirlpool galaxy, M51, is an excellent example of a spiral galaxy. Spiral Galaxy in Cepheus / Cygnus. Open cluster NGC 6939 is to the lower right and spiral galaxy NGC 6946 is to the upper left. NGC 6946 is also known as the Fireworks Galaxy and is about 22.5 million light-years away on the border of constellations Cepheus and Cygnus. Six of these galaxies are shown above: NGC 5653, NGC 3593, NGC 891, NGC 6946, NGC 4826, and NGC 2903. It was discovered by William Herschel on September 9, 1798. Fireworks Galaxy (NGC 6946) - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: This Summer I have decided to take on a project to image a number of wide-field and high resolution targets in Cygnus and Cepheus. This image was captured as part of the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxy Survey (SINGS) Legacy Project using the telescope's Infrared Array Camera (IRAC). NGC 6946 and supernova SN 2017eaw. Astronomers suspect that massive stellar giants have been ending their lives in supernova explosions throughout NGC 6946 in rapid-fire fashion for tens of millions of years. Uma supernova é uma explosão estelar poderosa e luminosa. Here, we use data from the BIMA Survey of Nearby Galaxies and HERA CO-Line Extragalactic Survey to analyse the structure and stability of its molecular

The type of astronomical object. A galaxy is a gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter. The big, beautiful spiral galaxy is located just 10 million light-years away, behind a veil of foreground dust and stars in the high and far-off constellation of Cepheus. 0. The late-type spiral galaxy NGC 6946 is a prime example of molecular gas dynamics driven by "bars within bars". I collect this type of pictures at Close Encounters. Acquisition type: Electronically-Assisted Astronomy (EAA, e.g. View. Basic data : NGC 6946 -- HII Galaxy. Previous. Here we use data from the BIMA SONG and HERACLES surveys to analyse the structure and stability of its molecular disc. Because NGC 6946 is at low galactic latitude, we view it through a lot of dust and various nebulae. CO(1Y0), CO(2Y1), AND NEUTRAL GAS IN NGC 6946: MOLECULAR GAS IN A LATE-TYPE, GAS-RICH, SPIRAL GALAXY Lucian P. Crosthwaite Unmanned Systems, Northrop Grumman, San Diego, CA 92150, USA; and Jean L. Turner Division of Astronomy and Astrophysics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; Meanwhile, however, it is assumed that it is a dwarf galaxy at NGC 6946. If confirmed, 2017 eaw will become the 10th supernova found in this explosion-rich galaxy in the past century, reaffirming its reputation for fireworks of the grandest kind. Corvus. It lies in the dense star fields of the Milky Way so much of it is obscured by interstellar matter. At 22.5 Million light-years it's one of the nearest galaxies outside of the Local Group. The target is the NGC 6946 . The late-type spiral galaxy NGC 6946 is a prime example of molecular gas dynamics driven by ‘bars within bars’. 2004). Type Observation Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech NASA Telescope Spots Mystery in Fireworks Galaxy This visible-light image of the Fireworks galaxy (NGC 6946) comes from the Digital Sky Survey and is overlaid with data from NASA's NuSTAR observatory (shown in blue and green). It also contains a failed supernova, potential black hole-forming star N6946-BH1. It is highly obscured by interstellar matter of the Milky Way galaxy, as it is quite close to the galactic plane. Of particular interest for me are pictures with local objects of our galaxy and a real deep sky 0bjects. HOW THE SCIENTISTS OBSERVE THE … This image was captured as part of the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxy Survey. Query : NGC 6946. In comparison, our Milky Way averages just 1-2 supernova events per century. 8.9-mag NGC 6946 was discovered by William Herschel on September 9, 1798. [3] Over the past century, eight supernovae have exploded in the arms of this galaxy, making NGC 6946 the most prolific known galaxy for supernovae during the past 100 years. NGC 6946 is a Intermediate Spiral Galaxy in the Cygnus constellation . The face-on spiral galaxy NGC 6946 is fueled by the births and deaths of brilliant, massive stars. SN 2017eaw is the first bright supernova this year (2017) in northern hemisphere. NGC 6946 is a 17′ large spiral galaxy in the constellation Cepheus, about 12 million light years away. Position: 60° 9' 14.0" Fast Facts Help About The Object; Object Name: A name or catalog number that astronomers use to identify an astronomical object. The Fireworks Galaxy is further classified as an intermediate spiral galaxy and as a starburst galaxy.

The powerful Gemini Observatory took this image of spiral galaxy NGC 6946, which is awash in star formation. 様々な業種の求人・案件情報が集まる求職活動応援プラットフォームです。多様な求人が「エリア・駅」や「こだわり」で検索できるworkshift(ワークシフト)で、理想のキャリアを実現しましょう。転職に関する無料相談も受付中です。 Discovered by William Herschel in 1798, NGC 6946 is a face-on spiral galaxy in that has an H II region nucleus and several massive and branching spiral arms. A … We study the two-dimensional kinematics of the Hα-emitting gas in the nearby barred Scd galaxy NGC 6946, in order to determine the pattern speed of the primary m = 2 perturbation mode. The galaxy NGC 6946 is nothing short of spectacular. Each galaxy is many millions of light-years distant. Backward Galaxy. 4. NGC 6946 = Arp 29 or fireworks galaxy is a bar-spiral galaxy of the Hubble type SAB (rs) cd in the constellation Cepheus on the border with the constellation Cygnus in the northern sky.It has an angular dimension of 11.5 '× 9.8' and an apparent magnitude of 9.0 mag. NGC 6946 (Fireworks Galaxy) - Intermediate Spiral Galaxy in Cygnus. The synthesized beam is 7.6" x 4.2" (HPBW) which corresponds to 200 pc x 110 pc at the distance of 5.5 Mpc. R.A. NGC 6946 is a medium-sized, face-on spiral galaxy about 22 million light years away from Earth. Using G2V stars, or in this case eXcalibrator, the … Evil Eye Galaxy, M64, NGC 4826, PGC 44182. Abstract. NGC6946 - The Fireworks Galaxy. NGC 6946 is 22 million light years away. Key words: galaxies: evolution ± galaxies: formation ± galaxies: individual: NGC 6946 ± galaxies: interactions. NGC 6946 - Fireworks Galaxy. This causes the light to become reddish, just as the Sun is red at sunset. NGC 7789. (acronym) Object type linked to the acronym according to the original reference.

My first submission to Cloudy Nights is this image of the Fireworks Galaxy (NGC … Close-Up of Galaxy NGC 6946 in Infrared Close-Up of Galaxy NGC 6946 in Infrared Read News Release View All Images. It is among the closest galaxies to the Local Group, being about 4 times further than M-31, the Andromeda Galaxy. Sometimes called the Fireworks Galaxy because of its abundance of supernovae, this near-face-on Sc spiral can be a challenge because of its orientation.

Centaurus. NGC 6946, also known as the Fireworks galaxy, Arp 29, and Caldwell 12, is a spiral galaxy in the constellation of Cepheus and Cygnus. NGC 6946, or "The Fireworks Galaxy", is one of about a dozen nearby neighbors to the Milky Way. It is about 22.5 million lyrs distant with a diameter of about 40,000 lyrs so it is about a third the size of the Milky Way. Ten supernovae have been observed in NGC 6946 in the 20th and early 21st century: SN 1917A, SN 1939C, SN 1948B, SN 1968D, SN 1969P, SN 1980K, SN 2002hh, SN 2004et, SN 2008S, and SN 2017eaw. We were able to confirm it 5 hours later.

From the PDS scanning, isophote maps and surface luminosity distributions for the late type spiral galaxy NGC 6946 were obtained.

See the link for the report. NGC 6946 is a medium-sized, face-on spiral galaxy about 22 million light years away from Earth. In the past century, eight supernovas have been observed to explode in the arms of this galaxy. An example is the pic of NGC 6946 and NGC 6939. Black Eye Galaxy. Gianluca Masi. Click the following link to download the file OSC Processing, containing the image data and. NGC 6946 is one of the nearest giant spiral galaxies beyond the local group. Our radial profiles exhibit a clear transition at distance R ~ 1 kpc from the galaxy centre. In the past 100 years, 9 supernovae have been observed in NGC 6946, hence the nickname the Fireworks Galaxy. Assuming an initial mass function, the H-alpha data are used to calculate the total star formation rate and efficiency of massive star formation as a function of galactocentric radius. In this 4-video series, we'll show you how to create this image of NGC 6946- The Fireworks Galaxy. As for the supernova, w e estimated SN 2021rhu as bright as mag. Physical Information: NGC 6946 is a spectacular galaxy, but relatively faint for its large size because it lies nearly in the plane of the Milky Way, and is considerably obscured and reddened by dust in the disk of our galaxy. [10] Credit : Wikipedia NGC 6946 is a face-on intermediate spiral galaxy with a small bright nucleus, whose location in the sky straddles the boundary between the northern constellations of Cepheus and Cygnus. Such gas-rich companions could ... NGC 5907. This image of the center of NGC 6946, constructed from multiple Hubble instruments, filters and observations, showcases the dusty arms present around the galactic core. It is about 22.5 million light-years away from Earth. This is NGC 6946 galaxy from light polluted skies in Greece. This supernova has a large distance to the nucleus of its host galaxy, the nice spiral NGC 6946. Facing NGC 6946.

NGC 6946 is een prachtig spiraalvormig sterrenstelsel in het sterrenbeeld Cepheus van magnitude 8.9. Its distance from Earth is about 22.5 million light-years or 6.8 megaparsecs [2], similar to the distance of M101 (NGC 5457) in the constellation Ursa Major. Last night, Utah amateur Patrick Wiggins discovered a possible bright supernova in the spiral galaxy NGC 6946 in Cygnus.

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