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RhymeZone: consequences synonyms. A punishment imposed for breaking a law, rule, or contract. 2 letter words PS 3 letter words SAY - SUM - TAG 4 letter words Show filters. Unintended consequences can be grouped into three types: Unexpected benefit: A positive unexpected benefit … See more. Information and translations of consequence management in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. distinction. as a consequence (adv.) given that. consequence ( n.) having important effects or influence; that result is of no consequence. Understand the difference between Consequences and Ramifications. n. damaging consequences. All Free. 1. consequence. Because of. Change your default dictionary to American English. quence This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term consequence. Plural for importance with respect to what comes after. noun. Page 4. As a consequence. Alphabetize. Synonyms result result. Teachers design a system to keep their classroom under control and running smoothly at all times. the consequence of your own deed. Best synonyms for 'with that said' on this page are 'in agreement with', 'in compliance with' and 'in consequence'. negative consequences. La solution à ce puzzle est constituéè de 6 lettres et commence par la lettre E. CodyCross Solution pour SYNONYME DE CONSÉQUENCES de mots fléchés et mots croisés. Best synonyms for 'negative consequences' are 'negative impact', 'negative effect' and 'adverse consequences'. Synonym search engine powered by WordHippo. Thesaurus. It is the new reality. Therefore, the legal action taken against those who have allowed poor food hygiene practice to take place is severe. 1. Synonyms for 'consequence': result, outcome, influence, effect, impact, side effect, the aftermath, end result, the upshot (of something) See more. Give your children a negative consequence each and every time they break a rule. John B. Larson. In the social sciences, unintended consequences (sometimes unanticipated consequences or unforeseen consequences) are outcomes of a purposeful action that are not intended or foreseen.The term was popularised in the twentieth century by American sociologist Robert K. Merton.. A kid thesaurus is helpful for students to find kid friendly synonyms. Information and translations of consequence in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Please consider adding to your answer a dictionary definition that confirms this sense of the word ramifications. ['ˈkɑːz, ˈkɔz'] any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results. Find all the synonyms and alternative words for consequences at Synonyms.com, the largest free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations resource on the web. decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself. Meaning of consequence management. Make sure you stick to consequences as well. Robert Green Ingersoll. Behaviors can include physical activity, inactivity, dietary patterns, medication use, and other exposures. Things in a sequence come one after another, as in a number sequence of 1, 2, 3, 4. English - Arabic Translator. Synonyms for phrase Large consequences. Synonyms for 'With that said'. Flooding impact, especially in urban areas, is enormous. See Synonyms at effect. Consequences Lyrics: Dirty tissues, trust issues / Glasses on the sink, they didn't fix you / Lonely pillows in a stranger's bed / Little voices in my head / Secret keeping, stop the bleeding / Lost a Synonyme de conséquences - CodyCross. The list of existing synonyms for the definition CONSEQUENCE of arrow words and crosswords. Full list of synonyms for Consequences is here. View the pronunciation for consequence. 1. aftereffect. English Vocabulary List, 50 Examples of Synonyms With Sentences Synonyms words are that have different spelling but have the same meanings. of serious consequences (adj.) Find 46 ways to say FRUSTRATION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition. Kid thesaurus. SYNONYMS. n. # prominence , merit. Words that are synonyms (e.g., 'excellent' and 'terrific') are called synonymous. Synonyms are useful for literary variance, for fine-tuning your message, and for finding a word that fits your needs poetically. Synonyms for consequence in Free Thesaurus. Synonyms are useful for literary variance, for fine-tuning your message, and for finding a word that fits your needs poetically. In other words, positive consequences are designed to encourage kids to repeat good behaviors while negative consequences are given in response to a behavior you want your child to change. The flood problems in these areas increase the already degraded state of their environment. Look it up now! A consequence or ensuing result of some action. Obesity is a complex health issue resulting from a combination of causes and individual factors such as behavior and genetics. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Synonyms for 'accept/face the consequences': answer for, accept, carry, be meant to do something, bear the responsibility, take charge (of) Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content . n. 1. a. CONSEQUENCE - consequence 2 Synonymous : EVENT (5) … Similar to the caramel example, minotaur sounds like it looks to the American ear-so much so that the British pronunciation sounds preposterous! n. unanticipated consequences. in consequence and in respect to. Define consequence. Synonyms. The definition of consequence is a natural result that flows from something else, or importance in ranking. A mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth. 2. of serious consequence. Positive Consequences. Plural for one's status or standing. consequences pronunciation in american accent. a-great-fall-a-murder-and-its-consequences 1/1 Downloaded from 100montaditos.us on November 30, 2021 by guest [eBooks] A Great Fall A Murder And Its Consequences Eventually, you will no question discover a new experience and exploit by spending more cash. consequence meaning: 1. a result of a particular action or situation, often one that is bad or not convenient: 2. not…. Improve your English skills with Reverso English Grammar ; Learn more on the English syntax, verbs conjugation, spelling, conditional clauses, the parts of speech and sentence. Synonyms for as a consequence of in English including definitions, and related words. in consequence and in that event. it is the indication of the effect due to a cause. The words Consequences and Ramifications might have synonymous (similar) meaning. 5 Awesome Ways to Say Thanks. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for CONSEQUENCE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word consequence will help you to finish your crossword today. 1 ‘inflation is a consequence of a rapid growth in the money supply’. Find synonms using this online kid thesaurus. Group by relation. The undesirable consequences of an action or event. 1 A result or effect of an action or condition. prime mover. Even so, life is but an endless series of little details, actions, speeches, and thoughts. consequence, aftermath(noun) the outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual. Synonyms: issue, import, backwash, effect, moment, event, upshot, wake, aftermath, outcome, result. Globalization is not a monolithic force but an evolving set of consequences - some good, some bad and some unintended. Positive consequences include things like: rewards. Découvrez les bonnes réponses, synonymes et autres types d'aide pour … Synonyms, antonyms, and other words related to consequence: Meet your meter: The "Restrict to meter" strip above will show you the related words that match a particular kind of metrical foot. Appropriately. Definition and synonyms of consequence from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. n. # significance. Dramatic irony definition, irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play. 75 synonyms for consequence: result, effect, outcome, repercussion, end, issue, event, sequel, end result, upshot, importance, interest, concern, moment, value. Your child is more likely to repeat the behavior when you use positive consequences. n. # result , effect. a result of anything that is willingly done by you. Best synonyms for 'environmental consequences' are 'environmental implications', 'environmental impact' and 'ecological consequences'. CONSEQUENCES 'CONSEQUENCES' is a 12 letter word starting with C and ending with S Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for CONSEQUENCES We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word consequences will help you to finish your crossword today. In that sentence the word "abundance" is … If a person who has just started learning English memorizes every word he / she learned with their synonyms, their vocabulary increases. 2  If you take away a privilege for the whole day, don't give in early. n. adverse consequences. As a consequence, the number of cyclones is increasing due to [.....] I would like to start another sentence just after the above sentences with exactly the same meaning as "as a consequence", e.g., As a consequence, the damages to the societal values is increasing. Find out what connects these two synonyms. consequence ( n.) the outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual; Synonyms: aftermath. Then accept the consequences. Search consequence and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. in respect to. Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences. synonyms - of serious consequences report a problem. Hypomesus nipponensis (wakasagi, Japanese smelt) is an important food fish native to the lakes and estuaries of Hokkaido, Japan.It has been introduced in other locations, including the San Francisco Delta of the United States. It is important to consider the connotative meaning of the word because some synonyms can inject a different meaning than what was intended.. For example, one synonym for sad is "gloomy." ['ˈkɑːnsəkwəns'] a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon. Search bad consequences and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Phrase thesaurus through replacing words with similar meaning of Large and Consequences The UK Food Standards Agency work hard to establish food hygiene standards in food businesses across the UK, and those who don’t comply will … Trending topics. It is raised in fisheries, and is very … in consequence and fitly. Find 18 ways to say SHIT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Synonyms for consequences in English including definitions, and related words. 6. cause. Alphabetize. The Joker character is * but you can also press the "spacebar" for each unknown letter. "The consequence of extensive borrowing from French, Latin, and Greek throughout the history of English is the creation of groups of synonyms occupying different registers (contexts within which they may be used): freedom and liberty; happiness and felicity; depth and profundity. consequence - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus n. bad impact. Synonyms for CONSEQUENCE: aftereffect, aftermath, backwash, child, conclusion, corollary, development, effect; Antonyms for CONSEQUENCE: antecedent, causation, cause, occasion, reason, insignificance, littleness, puniness consequence. Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'consequences':. Consequences definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. consequently. yet when? damn the consequences A phrase used when one intends to do something despite it likely having a negative effect or outcome. n. unexpected consequences. Use filters to view other words, we have 175 synonyms for in consequence. This book is the result of 25 years of research. 75 synonyms for consequence: result, effect, outcome, repercussion, end, issue, event, sequel, end result, upshot, importance, interest, concern, moment, value. Translate consequence into Spanish. Positive consequences show your child she has done something you like. Synonyms for 'Negative consequences'. Synonyms for CONSEQUENCES: aftereffects, aftermaths, backwashes, children, conclusions, corollaries, developments, effects; Antonyms for CONSEQUENCES: antecedents, causations, causes, occasions, reasons Use positive consequences as much as possible for behaviors you would like your child to do again. b. because of the occurrence of something. in consequence and suitably. Unintended Consequences synonyms - 50 Words and Phrases for Unintended Consequences. Find similar words and phrases with our powerful synonym search engine. Choosing a Synonym. 2. A synonym is a word that means the same (or nearly the same) as another. Consequences of flooding on property value will cause areas who continue to have flooding problems to have a decrease in real estate value. ramification. the outcome of something that you have done. Many adults are going back to school or picking up language learning curriculum so that they can stay well-versed in the main languages spoken in the global business arena. cause of death. What are another words for Consequences? consequence synonyms, consequence pronunciation, consequence translation, English dictionary definition of consequence. keeping that in mind. In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences. noun. Antonyms aftereffect, aftermath, consequence, corollary, development, effect, fate, fruit, issue, outcome, outgrowth, product, result, resultant, sequel, sequence, upshot. as a direct result. More 500 Consequences synonyms. This is the British English definition of consequence.View American English definition of consequence. What does consequence management mean? They decided to party the night before the exam and damn the consequences. The expansion of globalization has led many individuals to understand the advantages of learning a foreign language. Want to thank TFD for its existence? attention. There will be areas that are more prone to flooding issues. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. praise. as a matter of course. That which follows something on which it depends; that which is produced by a cause. In this page you can discover 68 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for consequence, like: result, concernment, outcome, payback, repercussion, inconsequence, weightiness, start, end, sequel and consecution. accordingly. Definition of consequence management in the Definitions.net dictionary. Consistency is the key to helping your kids learn that they can't get away with bad behavior. Meaning of consequence. Another word for consequence: result, effect, outcome, repercussion, end | Collins English Thesaurus axiomatically. as an automatic result. 2. Meter is denoted as a sequence of x and / symbols, where x represents an unstressed syllable and / represents a stressed syllable. What does consequence mean? Learn a useful list of 36 as a result synonyms in English. Consequence definition, the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier: The accident was the consequence of reckless driving. Plural for an inflated sense of one's positive qualities. supernatural. Rhymes Lyrics and poems Near rhymes [Thesaurus] Phrases Mentions Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Same consonants. considering that. Many teachers operate on a reward and consequence system. What does consequence mean? From wordnet.princeton.edu. consequence - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. See also: consequence, damn damn the expense A phrase used when one intends to do something with little concern for how much it will cost. Meaning | Synonyms. Learn the definition of 'as a consequence of'. Antonyms for Consequences. The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water. result, upshot, outcome, out-turn, sequel, effect, reaction, repercussion, reverberations, ramification, end, end result, conclusion, termination, culmination, denouement, corollary, concomitant, aftermath, fruit, fruits, product, produce, by-product. n. unwanted consequences. There's a certain skill involved in choosing the most appropriate synonym; not all are created equal. However, this is a misconception. Definition of consequence in the Definitions.net dictionary. List of Synonyms for As a result. A synonym of a synonym is an alternate word for one of the original word's synonyms: A synonym for "abundance" is "plenty." A word can have more than one synonym. Classroom rewards and consequences are essential parts of classroom management, especially at the elementary school level. Any result, conclusion, or effect. Synonyms for Consequences in Free Thesaurus. (noun) Aftermath, result, outcome. The denotative meaning of a word is not all that matters. All Free. Search Delete Show results by number of letters All 5 6 7 10 12. 2 b. However, I don't usually associate the term specifically with severe consequences, which is the core meaning that the questioner wants to convey. … as an automatic consequence. The consequences of poor food hygiene can seriously affect the health of those who consume food, including severe food poisoning. A simple way to remember the difference is that positive consequences are more proactive and negative consequences are more reactive. Synonyms: import / moment. consequence; outcome; repercussion; These are all words for a thing that is caused because of something else. fitly. See synonyms for consequence. Eckhart Tolle. Find 12 ways to say CONSEQUENCES, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Antonyms for consequence. result a thing that is caused or produced by something else: She died as a result of her injuries. Learn more. Things in a sequence come one after another, as in a number sequence of 1, 2, 3, 4. accordingly, as a result, consequently, ergo, in consequence, so, then, therefore, this is why, thus. CONSEQUENCE Synonyms: 90 Synonyms & Antonyms for CONSEQUENCE | Thesaurus.com. consequence - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Synonyms for 'Environmental consequences'. in that event. A synonym is a word that means the same (or nearly the same) as another. English Synonyms and Antonyms (1.00 / 2 votes) Rate these synonyms: consequence. Something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition. Definitions of as a consequence, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of as a consequence, analogical dictionary of as a consequence (English) ... synonyms - as a consequence report a problem. Antonyms for (noun) consequence. Main entry: moment, import, consequence. Definition: having important effects or influence. Usage: decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself; virtue is of more moment than security; that result is of no consequence. Antonyms: inconsequence. n. terrible consequences. One consequence of the agrarian agitations was the increased use of machinery and the reduction in the number of hands employed, which if it proved advantageous to the landlord and to the few laborers retained, who received higher wages, resulted in an increase of unemployment. life principle. noun. unforeseen consequences. Browse the use examples 'as a consequence of' in the great English corpus. As in any language, there are synonyms in English. as a direct consequence. Thesaurus / consequence. Words that are synonyms (e.g., 'excellent' and 'terrific') are called synonymous. soul. The best 56 synonyms for consequences, including: result, consequential, rational, corollary, residual, ramification, ramifications, sequential, consecution, contrecoup, emanation and more... Find another word for consequences at YourDictionary. Suffer the consequences - Arabic translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, transcription, antonyms, examples. In psychology, the end result of a behavior, which may be positive, negative, or neutral. Ramifications is a great word to describe extended and difficult-to-anticipate consequences.

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