Found inside Page 781 University of California , Columbia University , Wofford College , University of Illinois , and perhaps others . one triangle , three stars , and the Greek letters X T. The colors were white , crimson , and gold . Jardine (1) Logo Brands (2) Spirit (2) Vineyard Vines . The scholarship(s) will be apportioned over a 4-year period; therefore, and as an example, a $2000.00 scholarship award would be apportioned at the rate of $500.00 annually. Students learn to take their critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills, regardless of major, and combine them with their interests to create economic and social impact. Found inside Page 15262 Wins Zeal Plaque The scholarship trophy for the highest ranking in one year was presented to John Joel Watson , EA of Jr. , Witwer , Jr. , with old - time straw hat with band in purple and gold , worn by his father ; Edwin 0. Found inside Page 339The Chapter this year , while very much interested in athletics , is not letting studies go neglected , and we are hoping to walk off with the Scholarship Cup at the end of the term . J. B. Hill . ALPHA - NU - Wofford College . Wofford offers 67 majors, minors, and programs on its 170-acre campus, which was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1974 and, in 2002, designated a Roger Milliken Arboretum. Wofford -Benjamin Wofford Scholarship -$24,000/yr . Funds available through OneWofford provide scholarships for students who have been impacted by major life events, such as the death of a parent or guardian or a family's loss of income. . Over 900 colleges use this one, centralized, application, called the "Common Application", including UNC, NCSU, App . History of the College. This year, Wofford's tuition and fees are $61,440 for students living on campus and $47,650 for students living . Submit the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to Wofford's Financial Aid Office. Enlistment Recruiting Officer EMAIL: PHONE: 864-597-4332 OFFICE: Daniel Building, ROTC Office 2 W. Simon Stricklen Enrollment and Scholarship Officer EMAIL: PHONE: 864-597-4338 OFFICE: Daniel Building More . Successful past clients have won full admission and scholarships to Harvard, Stanford, Duke, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, MIT, UNC, UVA, Wofford, Erskine, USC, Virginia Tech, USC, Georgetown, Washington and Lee, NC State and many others. The South Carolina baseball program suffered a big loss on Thursday when it was determined that catcher Alek Boychuk would no . University of Alabama Foundation in Excellence Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded through the Wofford Scholars Program and includes an additional on-campus interview with college representatives and the Richardson . Performance in academic studies (including military science, if already enrolled in ROTC), successfully passing the Army Physical Fitness Test, a personal interview and observation by the PMS and motivation towards an Army career are considered for selection. Nationally known for the strength of its academic program, outstanding faculty, study abroad participation and successful graduates, Wofford is home to one of the nation's 283 Phi Beta Kappa chapters . To qualify, students must: Be nominated by their high school counselor, Rank in the top 10 percent of the class, Have a combined score of 1300 on the SAT/PSAT or a 28 on the ACT/PLAN., Apply . The following special scholarships, however, require either a separate application or an invitation or nomination to apply. Taking an ecocritical approach to Latin American cultural production including literature, film, performance, and digital artwork, the chapters in this volume develop a notion of ecological crisis that captures not only its documentary The Wofford Gold Tones performed during the college's Great Oaks Society event this spring and welcomed society members, including Robert Barber '71 (above), to tour the new Montgomery Music . (African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Alaskan Native or American Indian, Asian American, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, or Multiracial), Halligan Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, The Rosalind Sallenger Richardson Fine Arts Endowed Scholarship Fund, GOLD Scholarship (Growing Our Leadership through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). It offers 25 major fields of study to a student bod of 1,650 undergraduates. Active Duty Green to Gold Scholarship If enlisted in the Army, you may qualify for a four-, three- or two-year scholarship. Give that hard-earned Wofford College diploma the respect it deserves: Show it off in style in a USA-made, Church Hill Classics diploma frame! Successful graduates are eligible for a two-year scholarship to finish their academic career. a. n n e. M. a r i e. C. o v a r. s. a r a h. h. u r t. t. a r a h. t. a y l o r. It is the policy of Wofford College to provide equal opportunities and reasonable accommodation to all persons regardless of However, there are plenty of options on-campus, including a Chick-fil-A and a market located in the Village. Criteria: Top 10% of class, PSAT/SAT score of 1300 or ACT/PLAN score of 28. A professor of military science must also recommend you for the scholarship. Wofford College, established in 1854, is a four-year, residential liberal arts college located in Spartanburg, S.C.
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