" He stubbornly resisted any help. The diagram shows that Mrs. (adverb) He stubbornly refused to quit trying, even after failing 20 times. SCHOOLS. brusque. To delineate something is to describe it. She has a stubborn streak. GAMES. An accurate perception of our place in the world. Parks was seated in the first row behind those 10 seats. unrestrained by convention or propriety. rudely abrupt or blunt in speech or manner. doc•tri•naire. The Word "stubbornly" in Example Sentences. 1 In a manner that shows dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something. The best way to do this exercise . In a stubborn manner. Everyone described my grandfather as the most obstinate man alive! Tip: In the word dictionary, the Chinese sentence lookup can lookup whole Chinese sentences, automatically splitting it into separate words. " " (stubbornly, strongly, initially, firmly) Used with verbs: " I managed to resist his advances. We are entering the last lap of the discussions on the Wikimedia 2030 strategic recommendations. Usage: The number of obdurate papists and Italianate atheists is great at this time. ; Passive sentence → The students were given the books. Braithwaite speculates: If the conduct of the Attorney-General and the Anti-Jacobin are to serve as any kind of barometer of government opinion, . canny. See more meanings of stubborn. Active sentence → The professor gave the students the books. Winter shook its chilly head and plotted snowy destruction outside. When it comes to women, the message is a depressing one. The kitten was very cuddly. Openness. An example in a sentence of the word in the sentence "a marginal subaquatic flora". 20 examples of simple sentences "stubbornly" . The meaning of persistence is the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people. Until next Friday, February 21, you can share your feedback, questions, concerns, and other comments. "John declared his love for Sally, and she was very excited to learn that he felt the same way." The two basic types of disjuncts are content disjuncts (also known as attitudinal disjuncts) and style disjuncts. camaraderie. The meaning of stubborn is refusing to change your ideas or to stop doing something. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. 3. merely theoretical; impractical. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Stubbornly. " " No one can resist his charm. showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others. 2- Worst thing is they stubbornly refuse to listen . large in the amount that can be contained. " (managed to, tried to, could not, cannot) Example sentences: " She is hard to resist. How to use stubborn in a sentence. What does recalcitrant mean? (cuddly = predicate adjective) 1. adverb. State is a bit more general; it just means to say something with certainty. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples n. 1. a person who tries to apply some doctrine or theory without sufficient regard for practical considerations. David Marsh set out to master perfect grammatical English but discovered that 'correct' isn't always best. The kitten was so cuddly cute. (adjective) An exa. refuses; refused; refusing. He always acted very neighborly. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. Headstrong; insolent; hence, resisting legitimate authority, whether civil, ecclesiastical, military, or parental; stubbornly disobedient or rebellious: as, a contumacious child. In this part of the exam the candidate is given the most basic form of a word, known as "the root" form. In dialogue, use the exclamation point to indicate a strong command in an imperative sentence. She stubbornly refused to move. Astrology Dog Recall Golf Fitness Magazines Stop Identity Theft Web Hosting : Contumaciously Contumaciously is the adverbial form of the word contumacious.Contumacious means stubbornly disobedient, wilfully obstinate or rebellious, thus contumaciously means acting in a stubbornly disobedient way, in a wilfully obstinate way, or in a rebellious way. " " No one can resist his charm. 4. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a doctrinaire. Other Related Words: poppiesin a sentence, strangenessin a sentence, coauthorin a sentence, mandiblesin a sentence, acostain a sentence, bespokein a sentence, plasmain a sentence, oxfordshirein a sentence, roxiein a sentence, diagnosticsin a sentence, nomadsin a sentence, fanninin a sentence, flatfootin a sentence, tattagliain a sentence .
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