The systematic route is similar to the elaboration likelihood model's central route, while the heuristic route is similar to the peripheral route. Episode #8 of the course The psychology of persuasion by Jake Teeny . Peripheral in psychology What is peripheral route to persuasion in psychology. Compare The Central Route To Persuasion. and peripheral. The Elaboration Likelihood model proposes that each and every message is undergoing the process of persuasion in two different ways. Definition of peripheral nervous system in psychology. Nick_Balint. Explain (make sure you are clear which ad you are referencing Label them "Ad #1" and "Ad #2") why one ad is an example of the central route and why the other ad is an example of the peripheral route. Thus, broadly speaking, there is a tradeoff between elaboration valence and peripheral cues as influences on persuasion. (a couple of sentences per explanation). Specifically, it is a "dual-process" theory - that is, a theory that explains that there are two routes through which persuasion takes place, the central route and the peripheral route. 2. The central and peripheral route come from the ELM, which is a model that tells us when people should be particularly likely to elaborate or not elaborate on persuasive message. The central route to persuasion tends to be rational and information-based. Mere-exposure effect: The tendency to like new stimuli more when you encounter it more frequently. There are two routes to Persuasion and they are the Central and Peripheral. The peripheral route is more superficial and results in shorter lasting change, but does not require as much motivation to process. Key Terms. However, not all researchers agree that there are two routes to persuasion: some researchers have proposed a unimodel of persuasion in which there is just one route to persuasion, rather than a . An overarching theme in psychology over the past few decades has been that people do not always operate at their full processing capacity. There are two primary routes to persuasion. persuasion: the process of changing . That is, people sometimes think carefully attitude inoculation. Let's briefly discuss the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion. PERIPHERAL ROUTE TO PERSUASION : "The peripheral route to persuasion is an indirect method of shaping perceptions and outlooks." The central route is reflective and requires a willingness to process and think about the message. The peripheral route to persuasion involves the use of mental shortcuts such as a belief that 'experts statement can be trusted', or the idea that, if it makes me feel good, I am in favor of it. In the central route to persuasion the individual is presented with the data and motivated to evaluate the data and arrive at an attitude changing conclusion. Peripheral Route to Persuasion Occurs when people are influenced by incidental cues, such as a speaker's attractiveness. Barron's Social Psychology. Alternatively, a "peripheral" route to persuasion may occur. Peripheral Route Processing (also known as Peripheral Route To Persuasion) occurs when someone evaluates a message, such as an advertisement, on the basis of physical attractiveness, background music, or other surface-level characteristics rather than the actual content of the message. There's the systematic, or central, route and there's the superficial or peripheral processing route. This type of processing requires less effort and allows us to react to persuasive messages automatically. Below is one persuasion definition: Persuasion occurs when one's attitudes, beliefs, or decisions are influenced in manner consistent with a message. This is commonly seen in modern advertisements that feature celebrities. a) persuasion is not effective. Provide an example of each and suggest when each is most appropriate. We may either process it through the central route or through the peripheral route. , 2011). Low motivation leads to the peripheral route, while high motivation leads to the central route. Explain how people's attitudes are externally changed through persuasion. Low elaboration, or peripheral route processing, means the opposite. The peripheral route occurs when attitudes are formed without extensive thought, but more from mental shortcuts, credibility, and appearance cues. People. Definition. The peripheral route is an indirect route that uses peripheral cues to associate positivity with the message (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986). Factors in Persuasive Communication 1. The central route is successful in reaching motivated and analytical people. Peripheral route happens when: When we do not pay attention but sway with what we see Change is temporary 7 DC 203 - Introduction To Social Psychology Monday, October 29, 2012 8. Peripheral Route to Persuasion 2. Peripheral Route Processing. The peripheral route to persuasion is directed at uninvolved consumers because it is more effective to attract the customer through peripheral advertising cues such as the specific attractive model in the advertisement or the setting of the advertisement. Term. Instead of focusing on the facts and a product's quality, the peripheral route relies on association with positive characteristics such as positive emotions and celebrity endorsement.
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