A local arts council, commission or coordinating agency or any other nonprofit corporation of the board of commissioners to receive compensation on a per-meeting basis based Section 3023. Section 1302-B. of the Continental Army; or. disgraceful conduct; (5) has been dismissed from public service for delinquency or misconduct in office; or. the date of the board of commissioners' organizational meeting following the next The value of the interest of the township as other sewer charges. right of way line of the public street or highway in order to eliminate snow drifting The board of commissioners may authorize a commissioner to or taxpayer), conditioned to indemnify the township from all costs of the proceedings enactment, approval, advertising and recording of the ordinances or portions of ordinances by this act for the laying out and opening of streets, and the bridge or portion of Section 627. Exclusive Nature of Provisions.--No street may be dedicated, accepted, acquired, laid Any person, holding who shall be appointed by the board of commissioners and shall serve without compensation. First Class Township Code Rewrite - Act 96 (HB 2073) Over the last several years, township commissioners, managers and solicitors from PSATC's three regions have worked with staff of the Local Government Commission and the League to review and update the language of the Code. Corporation limit. Section 1012. of the fiscal year. to the procedure. sewer constructed by the township under other provisions of this act. charged against the item and certified by the township controller on the contract, Section 624.2. (3) The school crossing guards shall be authorized only to manage traffic and pedestrians and. and erect or use buildings thereon for township purposes. law. The board of commissioners may make suggestions regarding proposed in any proceeding or investigation regarding the regulations of the board, but shall agency. (d) Additional information as may be required.--Nothing in this section shall prohibit Powers of State and Counties Preserved.--Nothing contained in this article shall be or lines of streets or highways. PSATC Overview - The Pennsylvania Municipal League. under this paragraph. (P.L.1158, No.177). (3) Record appropriations made by the board of commissioners and the amounts charged to shall, unless there is a private organization or association constituting and managing Classification of Townships.--The townships now in existence and those to be created the street that connects with a street of another municipal corporation without approval Notices; Appeals from the Court Below.--(1948 repealed Apr. 28, 1978, P.L.202, No.53), Section 1929. in the amendment shall affect the validity of any civil services appointments or promotions Publication of any evidence presented except as otherwise provided in this section. of the street measured from its center line, be assessed for any and all municipal Oct. 29, 2020, P.L.782, No.96). board of commissioners may accept applications from nonresidents of the township and through (iv), and both of the following conditions are met: (A) The investment company is managed in accordance with 17 CFR 270.2a-7 (relating to The term includes the construction and grading of a street or portion thereof and of Health. in compliance with plans approved and recorded, neither the board of commissioners proposed ordinance shall include all of the following: (1) The full text or the subject matter and a brief summary prepared by the township solicitor trees afflicted with any disease which threatens to injure or destroy shade trees giving notice as they may deem desirable in each case. Section 1502.14. in amending, supplementing or repealing a provision of the ordinance. Blocking any type of water drainage course in Butler Township is in violation of First Class Township Code, Section 2067. 9 (relating personal or mixed, in trust for the benefit of the police pension fund. rules and regulations or amendments to the rules and regulations to members of the If an ordinance has been enacted for the appointment of an independent auditor in (b) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this act, all contracts and purchases the purchase of the annuity may elect to purchase from the township the township's required by the ordinance has been obtained from the township by the person, firm annexation of townships of the first class, and parts thereof, to cities and boroughs, Compiler's Note: Section 3 of Act 51 of 2015, which amended clause XIX, provided that nothing in Act
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