what is the difference between prasa and transnet

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO TERMS Cape Town Municipality v F Robb & Co Ltd 1966 (4) SA 345 (C) at 350F-351D per Corbett J. The division's primary business is to provide rail transport of commodities for the export, regional and domestic markets. Regarding the outcomes for civil recovery, most of the contracts under investigation had already run their course. Cranes (contract value R737 m and R199 m) The rich were in reality being subsidised more than the poor, and Metrorail's assets were around 40 years old. The engineering capacity of Transnet could have been part of PRASA,  so as to deal with the general overhaul challenges. The Chairperson said from experience some boards liked to hold many meetings to make money, and meetings were fine as long as there was understanding that the Board stuck to its mandate and did not interfere with administration, which, for its part, had to do its work properly and account on a quarterly basis to the board. Rail was a monopoly and big investments were required although it could be efficient. Ms Van Minnen commended the SIU for the work it had done into the administration of PRASA. The Commission investigating "State Capture" finally got underway and commenced. I have nonetheless conveyed your msge to them. The SIU was supporting criminal investigation in respect of Tegeta with regard to money flows and asset tracing. When Mr Molefe was the Premier in the North West some of the assets which had been under Bophuthatswana went to the Northern Cape and the Free State and others went to Mpumalanga, Limpopo and Gauteng. South Africa's R600 million train blunder © 2021 (1.1.21315.9) 24.com. Furthermore, the implicated official had been dismissed from Transnet’s employ. It is a world class heavy haul freight rail company that specialises in the transportation of freight. All the profited assets and wealth had been siezed and forfeited to the state, based on the evidentiary assessments of the SIU. The leadership at PRASA had been told that some of the locomotives that Transnet overhauled broke down almost immediately after the overhaul because the components used by Transnet were not resilient. Revenue collection program to address shortfalls on revenue and reduce fare evasion. Transnet, Prasa settle row - SowetanLIVE Mr Letsoalo said that PRASA continued to have problems with people stealing PRASA's cables, as well as people vandalising its systems in other ways; in Western Cape (WC) vandals had doused signal equipment with flammable substances and burnt it. It had recently met with the SABS to sign the preliminary report for the 2014/15 financial year as to whether Gibela met all the specifications of the contract to supply PRASA with trains. If management did not play its part it became quite difficult for the Board to account and PRASA was reviewing the Board's charter to see how matters might be better managed. In line with PRASA's plan, it would be adding 600 additional jobs between October and July 2017. Contextually when management did not do its work, and when the Board came before Parliament, the Committee would say that the Board, which was the accounting authority, had to account. The costs were further escalated by R1.4bn to relocate the building yards. The company maintains an extensive rail network across South Africa that connects with other rail . Dr M Figg (DA) thought it was not possible to continue without PRASA having given clarity on that figure which he thought might be a material error. She thought that PRASA had presented a good plan in terms of local content and the proposed manufacturing plant in Dunnottar, in Nigel. Ablution facilities were also in an unsavoury state. UNTU is the majority union in Transnet and represent more than 50% of the employees of the state-owned enterprise. The Labour Council was then registered as an Industrial Council in terms of the then existing Labour Relations Act. Status of Phase One investigations It is a vital link in the transportation chain of exports and imports in South Africa. The SIU was conducting Phase Two investigations into the various allegations of irregularities in various contracts, including the two contracts awarded to a telecommunications company for wide area network (WAN) amounting to R1.8bn, and closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras amounting to R800 million, software solutions for R280 million, maintenance of locomotives; the procurement of an analytical tool; an information communications technology (ICT) contract; and a wagon optimisation and demurrage solution, and the payment of R16 million. The SIU had uncovered evidence that pointed to the irregular award of these contracts. Turnaround Plan for the PRASA Group targeting operational efficiencies Metrorail is an operator of commuter rail services in the major urban areas of South Africa.It is a division of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA), a state-owned enterprise which is responsible for most passenger rail services in South Africa. PRASA had shown high levels of maladministration which would be quantified by the SIU. Criminal charges of corruption had been referred by the SIU to the NPA. Reporting on corruption, fraud, mismanagement and other irregularities at Eskom, the SIU said that 5 567 disciplinary referrals had been made, which showed an increase of 44 referrals since the last briefing of the Committee in October 2020. Significant and dire contraventions of various legislative prescripts, including the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) had been identified, as well as contravention of PRASA’s own procurement policies. Therefore, the main difference between the two is how they are marketed. Transnet and Prasa "engage on a frequent basis on any matter that affects us in whatsoever way through the designated channels and forums established between the two companies," said Transnet . Idols SA winner to settle debts with her prize money, ANC councillors help vote in EFF speaker, despite having outright majority, ANC loses control of Mpumalanga’s Lekwa municipality to community forum, Tim Spirit | CAF referee appointments raise serious concerns, Botswana's Ian Khama can't get asylum in SA as refugee offices are closed - govt, Jabulani Sikhakhane | SA is reducing human capital investment - with dire consequences, New political era: DA reaps the rewards as opposition parties kick ANC to the curb, EXCLUSIVE | Spy wars escalate as ID threatens SSA with the court over access to secret documents. Previously, rules did not matter so much to PRASA, and it had happened that people had been offered jobs without really determining what the need was and what such people would do if absorbed into the structure of PRASA. WELCOME TO Transnet World of Wellness iLiveWell is the Transnet Wellness Programme's online portal, providing employees with professional support to ensure and improve overall health and well-being. Mr Molefe said that it was quite clear that the TCOs were not adequately skilled because the accidents had occurred. Contracts must be looked at in terms of the overall loss in costs and funds. PDF Transient Analysis in Pipe Networks Except for the running inspection carried out by PRASA, the TFR and PRASA rolling stock is inspected and repaired by TRE under TRANSNET. It had been found that on one corridor, Vaal to Johannesburg, up to 90% of passengers were evading fares by getting on at undesignated spots, or believed that because there had been service disruptions on one day, they were entitled to not pay on the next day. Transnet was alerted to its obligation to report the matter in terms of section 34 of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004. Transnet freight rail is the largest division of Transnet Limited, a public company with South African government as its sole shareholder. The SIU had determined that there were several irregular payments made to contractors. There were 37 investigation reports (Section 34 referrals) that had been referred by PRASA for further investigation. reasons for refusal to rule on intermediate issue and for referral to pre-trial conferencing in terms of rule 37(8)(a) Government spent nearly R200bn on SOE bailouts in 20 years ... In Prasa’s own report of February 2014 they pointed out four places where the lines are as low as 4.22m: “The height of the locomotive encroaches too close to the contact wire driver exposure risk factor is high,” said the Prasa document. Airports Company of South Africa (ACSA) had  gone to DPE but returned to DoT. PRASA seperated from Transnet in 2006. There was a programme in place for change management. The hearing of the application for the forfeiture order was held on 3 November. Regularisation bordered on corruption but cancellation would cause a situation where PRASA was effectively denying to itself the opportunity to meet the requirements of service. 79 contractors had been appointed through irregular processes, but all the officials who had drafted and approved procurement through this process were no longer at PRASA. Tandem cranes The SIU had been provided with a compact disc containing 288 investigation reports for review, of which 227 were complete but with no annexures attached. On June 30, Magiel Pretorius, Transnet’s chief administrative officer, issued a notice to Transnet and Prasa in which he noted the height problem. A Skills Programme is a learning programme which is occupationally based and for which a learner may obtain acertain number of credits towards a registered qualification. Telkom went to DPE and thence to Department of Communications. Because the network was old, the Rail Safety Regulator (RSR) also imposed speed restrictions so that moving from Mamelodi to the Vaal took six hours on Metrorail’s system, whereas Mamelodi to Pretoria Central, 29 km, took 57 minutes on Metrorail. Adv Mothibi assured the Committee that the SIU would implement the same measures in other areas of investigation when it was found to be effective. He said that PRASA was not shy about making recommendations to the Committee and certainly welcomed the assistance offered in pushing for other matters. and . In addition, 13 resignations had been tendered and two officials dismissed. This has had a detrimental effect on both parties as a result. Untu calls for suspension of train services . Click on the "Print" button below and select the "PDF" option under destinations/printers. Transnet Engineering is good company that needs good leadership and open minded supervisor. If they misbehaved it was possible that there was not consequence management. The Transnet Bargaining Council was established as a Labour Council in 1988. Reconstruction, deepening and lengthening of the Durban container terminal berths The statement said that if Untu and the South African Transport and Allied Workers' Union (Satawu), the only two recognised trade unions in the Transnet Bargaining Council (TBC), embarked The SIU, Eskom and ABB International had entered into a settlement agreement and in accordance with the settlement, ABB International had repaid R1.57bn to Eskom in December. Mr Shaik Emam was glad that PRASA concurred, and it was the first time that he had heard them admit that  an unqualified audit did not mean a clean audit. PRASA had been paid R37 million, but it had lost all the business for that period as there were two less trains and many less passenger trips, which impacted heavily on the service. He gave an assurance that the list of the names of the officials who were implicated, and details on the nature of their involvement, would be provided. It was paramount that the meeting finish on time to afford Members time to prepare for the State of the Nation Address (SONA) debate, which was scheduled to continue for a second day after the meeting. Most of those matters were legacy issues, but the new matters that AGSA had picked up were precisely because people were providing a service to PRASA which enabled the SOC to move the trains and if PRASA became aware of irregular procurement it would nonetheless decide to allow contracts to run whilst going out to another tender, because the alternative was collapse of the service and community protests, should the contracts be cancelled outright. Transnet freight rail has approximately 38 000 employees, who are spread throughout the country. Mr Letsoalo said there was a dilemma between adhering to good governance principles and continuing the work and gave the example of weighing up the options if it was found that a contract for critical components was irregular, as to whether it was more practical to cancel the contract or regularise it. What are the distinctions between learnership and apprenticeship? The SIU was committed to ensure that disciplinary actions and criminal prosecutions were implemented to ensure that the administrative systems of state-owned entities were improved. At the Denver bridge near Johannesburg, for example, there will only be 10mm between the Afro 4000’s roof and high-tension electrical cables, which poses an “operational electrical risk”, according to Prasa’s own engineers. She expressed concern regarding the 13 officials who had resigned to avoid disciplinary action. He asked if it was normal for pre-payments to be made for rolling stock and locomotives, and what was the total cost of this. The expectation was that Metrorail would offer the quality of service aligned and comparable to that of Gautrain. This agreement had identified the 17 focus areas for investigation by the SIU. Mainline Passenger Services operates long distance passenger trains throughout South Africa. The reality was that when performance was being reviewed, he did not think people really focused on the reasons why an entity had not performed. Mr Letsoalo said PRASA could never be self-sustaining because commuter rail services all over the world were heavily subsidised. It would check targets and achievements on a quarterly basis, assessing the emerging risks and measures that were needed to minimise the impact to non-realisation of objectives. It listed the various tenders and contracts where there had been allegations of irregularities. Mr Mike Koya, Project Manager: SIU, presented the briefing to Members. The biggest costs were for employees and for energy. That was why PRASA was paying repeatedly for the same work. Corridors would have to be closed and upgraded to allow the new trains to function. On June 30, Magiel Pretorius, Transnet's chief administrative officer, issued a notice to Transnet and Prasa in which he noted the height problem. Mr S Somyo (ANC) referred to the successful recovery of money by the SIU from various entities involved in wrongdoing. These issues that had been identified at PRASA must be analysed at their root causes to improve the sustainability of the state-owned entity. The SIU was now working to identify the implicated officials who had the responsibility of keeping the contracts for possible disciplinary action. They asked for more detail on the nine major targets not achieved. Walkie talkie The SIU had established that there were material irregularities in the procurement process, based on the needs analysis, and further that Transnet was not receiving value for money. He was pleased to hear that leadership had used the train, and were prepared to experience, first hand, the problems of long-distance train travel. Initially, Metrorail was an operating unit of Spoornet, Transnet's rail subsidiary; in 1996 it became a separate business unit of Transnet. It was clear that prior to the SIU’s involvement in this matter, the High Court had set aside the contract concluded with the service provider. He confirmed that the Public Protector recommendations had been considered in the development of the turnaround strategy. It was a combined effort. The current way of conducting business at PRASA had to be analysed and a turnaround plan compiled in which identifiable plans of actions and recommendations were listed, and which had to be implemented. Several systemic recommendations had been made to Transnet to improve its systems. Untu also want PRASA to return to the Transnet fold. They asked for more elaboration on the targets of creating black industrialists and cautioned that this should not include those who were already wealthy. Project overview Dr Figg also alluded to the comments that Transnet was not meeting its obligations and asked then what PRASA saw as the solution, and why it was seemingly prepared to tolerate the failure. She assured the Committee that investigations were continuing in the instances where criminal conduct had been found. She asked for more detail on the coaches coming from Brazil. Additionally, Metrorail’s assets were, on average, more than 40 years old right the way across  the network to the signalling equipment. At times, PRASA would be ready to close-off but municipalities would be without funding for the bridges over the rail network. Legal counsel had been briefed on this matter. It was established in 2013, initially as a ring-fenced company for the execution of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa's (Prasa) rolling-stock fleet-renewal programme. It had a scheduled meeting with Transnet for 9 March. Analytical tool (value R72 million) Those with things to hide would always have a problem, and he was younger than them, which made them assume that he knew little, despite his experience with the DPE, working on the restructuring of Transnet, Denel and SAA. Other contracts were outright unlawful. Most commercial radio businesses in the UK, including DCS 2 Way Radio, will use the term "two-way radio". Ms B van Minnen (DA) thanked the SIU for its work relating to the investigations into Eskom, which seemed to be paying off. The key findings for the train accidents concluded that this was down to human error, including PRASA's drivers not adhering properly to signals. The majority of the 37 reports referred to the NPA by PRASA had adverse findings. You can download this page as a PDF using your browser's print functionality. Other issues now sorted out were, for instance, when the State Owned Companies went out for quotations, and when for tenders as PRASA had been known to ask for a quotation only for a R50 million contract. What was Eskom doing in this regard and what was the process going forward? The Chairperson commented that although PRASA had obtained an unqualified audit opinion, she would require PRASA's internal auditor to speak to why there had been no movement to improve upon the fact that it was still getting audit findings, particularly if there were six CFOs in place. The fixed rate (11.15 percent) was 2 percent higher than the floating rate (9.1 percent), and the consulting fees specified in Ramosebudi's memo added still more, yielding a . The locomotives had been procured from Swifambo, a local company. For example, in Eastern Cape, PRASA had lost its trains because someone opened a track mistakenly. He did not know exactly when and how the Guptas came to South Africa and acquired citizenship, but if the Guptas fell within the category being black and industrialist, and if it was doing ethical business in South Africa, then they would qualify as black industrialists. However, Transnet spokesman Mboniso Sigonyela released the following statement: "Transnet would like to place on record that there is no dispute between the parties relating to locomotive maintenance that is preventing Prasa trains from running on Transnet's network or any other dispute that would lead to the suspension of the Shosholoza Meyl . Mr Shaik Emam said it sounded like PRASA understood where all its weaknesses were but the real test was when and where it would attend to them. Ms Louw suggested that the Committee should also invite Minister Dipuo Peters to these meetings, as some issues spoke directly to her role as the Executive Authority (EA) of the DoT. by transnet or prasa's contractors 14 september 1999 page 2 of 14 issue 1 . Adv Mothibi agreed with Mr Somyo’s impression that the issue of missing documentation was becoming an endemic matter. The Phase One investigations at Transnet included the Roll-On-Roll-Off tender; the reconstruction, deepening and lengthening of the Durban container terminal berths; the new multi-product pipeline; the tandem cranes procured under tender; the cranes procured for a value of R737 million and R199 million respectively (the latter of which had escalated by R340 million), and the Transnet pipelines investigation referred to the SIU by Transnet Group Forensics. The Koornfontein-contract was meant to be in effect until 2025, but the relevant entity was now under business rescue, and issues of coal quality had been raised, meaning that it was not a great loss to Eskom. He asked whether the cancelled contracts referred to operational contracts that contributed to Eskom’s coal supply. For me the difference is that there is a gap between managers,Supervisors and employees if that gap can be clossed i swear to you guys this company can go far. Since then it has evolved to match the changes in legislation. But a letter from Transnet, which Rapport has also obtained, shows that the journey did not go entirely smoothly. passenger rail agency of south africa (prasa) formerly cited as transnet limited t/a metrorail . Members expressed concern that culprits and guilty officials were still part of the system, with full access and control over other key or critical documents which could be required in the further investigations of the SIU. A brief to counsel was being finalised to assess the probabilities of success regarding the recovery of misappropriated supplier development funds. The SIU had received only 17 of these reports. He made the point that Gautrain was standard gauge, but the rest of the country was not, and the merits of expansion in either gauge must be carefully looked into. The senior official had been dismissed, based on the referral made by the SIU for disciplinary action. MLPS might only be carrying 200 people on a train from Johannesburg to Durban and the question was why they should not simply be put on a bus instead. The SIU was currently assessing evidence at its disposal for possible criminal or civil legal action against these former officials. Where there were administrative errors, PRASA might condone and disaggregation would be reflected in the next AGSA report. Closing off the railway reserves was one solution, but this meant that communities could be cut off from other amenities and PRASA was trying to work with municipalities to ensure that, for instance, passenger bridges were built. The Passenger Rail Association of South Africa has really succeeded the Metro rail. The SIU investigation had uncovered evidence pointing towards undue gratification and fraud. As the custodian of ports, rail and pipelines, Transnet's objective is to ensure a globally competitive freight system that enables sustained growth and diversification of the country's economy. Ms Gina Beretta Pretorius, Lead Investigator of the SIU, presented the briefing on the outcomes of the investigations conducted into the state-owned entity, Transnet. The SIU said it was committed to ensuring that disciplinary actions and criminal prosecutions were implemented to ensure that the administrative systems of state-owned entities were improved. Through these processes, the SIU had prevented future payments involving coal supply agreements amounting to R2.68 bn, the cancellation of contracts valued at R 6.95bn, and the successful recovery of funds amounting to R1.57bn. To ensure that accountability was enforced, evidence had to be uncovered at all levels of management, including the accounting and executive authorities of Transnet. City Press’ sister publication, Rapport, has also established that the Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) sent an “SOS” message in engineering terms to Spain on November 5 2013 to ask whether the expensive locomotives, which had been ordered eight months previously, could not be lowered further. The SIU had found evidence pointing towards an irregular procurement process. Mr Rasheeque Zaman, Chief Audit Executive (CAE), PRASA, said the control environment at PRASA was weak. She too wanted to know when its projected turnaround strategy would be realised.

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what is the difference between prasa and transnet