I’m surprised to keep seeing Odd Paladin and Odd Rogue in tier one of all the tier lists in light of the popularity of secret mage. With a slew of defensive options and the ability to create infinite Jade Golems, Jade Druid has been able to survive and thrive in a variety of metas. All these builds have potential upside, but it might take some time or a specific impressive ladder result to get the ball rolling. Compare winrates and find the deck for you! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. No matter how you approach things, Even Shaman will likely prove very successful. Wild gets less immediate nerfing attention (ie how long it took for Naga Sea Witch and Barnes to get nerfed) and even if those 2 get nerfed, the cards they use have applications elsewhere (ie Patches and Loatheb). There are a variety of approaches that could be taken with a Zoo list. It also uses Fire Plume's Heart to give the deck a late-game win condition and some form of inevitability. Hearthstone Battletag: beppe946#2807 (EU) Hey again, everyone! Nailing down a build and having it become highly refined has been close to impossible. If you know your opponent is playing a slower deck you can just keep any combo pieces in your mulligan and borderline guarantee to mechathun them turn 10~12. The Art of Hearthstone: Year of the Raven Check out popular Libram Paladin Decks (November 2021). 2 Conjure Mana Biscuit 2. Few things in Hearthstone have been as consistently present in the meta game as Reno Warlock has been. Tier S Returns: Tempo Storm Wild Hearthstone Meta Snapshot ... Yup, Tier S is Still Here (Sep. 14, 2021) - Hearthstone ... odd paladin doesn't have a great matchup against secret mage imo. The New Duels Meta Post-Balance Changes - Best 12-Win Duels Starting Decks for the End of September. Another weekend and another episode of Wild Weekends! Burgle Rogue uses weapon buffs and burgle cards to increase the attack and durability of Spectral Cutlass. Expired Merchant can give you a ton of extra late game value, generating more Bloodreaver Gul'dan‘s and N'Zoth, The Corruptor‘s. All stats are calculated using United in Stormwind data. Supreme Decks Currently reigning. Are you playing anything that goes against everything the meta has to offer? Sense Demons, Sacrificial Pact, Voidcaller, and Voidlord make up the common defensive demon package seen in many Warlock decks and is how you combat aggressive decks. However, Saviors of Uldum has treated Quest Mage a little rough. A curve of Murloc Tidecaller, Rockpool Hunter, and Murloc Warleader can quickly mean lights out for the opponent. These are quite popular in the meta, and the archetypes of Guardian and Malygos share quite a few cards. There is more room for fun and creativity, as long as you can dodge these four decks or counter at least one of them. in an actual deck while you can. Mana Cyclone and allow for quick completion of Open the Waygate. In this meta report, we will be going through a tier list of 71 decks we’ve seen frequently on ladder, explain the method of computing the tier list, break down the meta and analyze the decks as detailed as they need to be. Reno Priest hasn’t received quite the same love as the other Kabal classes in Saviors of Uldum. Druid decks. Mecha'thun has become a popular tech choice, activated with a Galvanizer discount and Plague of Flames. Wild format appears in game modes in which players are allowed to play decks without the deck restrictions of Standard format, allowing the use of cards from any card set. The deck combines a series of powerful secrets, Eaglehorn Bow and Emerald Spellstone, to be a unique midrange archetype in the Wild Hearthstone meta. 1 Ray of Frost 2. Eggs, Discard, Heal, Highlander, Demon, Lackeys… it’s almost too much. Sign in here. Cube Warlock has undergone some changes over the past few expansions. How wild is Hearthstone’s Wild mode? A more threat-based, tempo-oriented approach to Reno Warlock has never really taken off in the past, but with a spike of interest in the Highlander archetypes some players have been taking this approach and have done quite well. Questline games play out really similarly every game. The Wild format provides a unique environment where all cards are playable and numerous decks are viable, so there will always be a few lists and variations that may be missed. Veteran Hearthstone players are plenty aware of how absurdly powerful Paladin decks can be, as at least one will often be running much of the Hearthstone metagame in any given Standard season. This deck is a meta choice in United of Stormwind, as it's a fast combo deck that allows it to hold its own. Burgle Rogue is, in some ways, reminiscent of old school Kingsbane Rogue. We have the Wild Meta Deck Tier List below with the best decks in the format, but also provide a class-based version that includes many other decks that can be played if you enjoy a … PIRATE WARRIOR Updated Nov 20, 2021. is he alright? This book examines how video game mechanics and narratives can teach players skills associated with increased psychological well-being. We have ascended to the top of the meta, and now we are fighting to maintain our well-deserved spot. The wild format provides a unique . Best Hearthstone Wild Decks. There have been some recent innovations in the archetype. Here you can find our latest Warlock decks for the latest Hearthstone expansion: United in Stormwind. We would like to thank these top legend players who have given us their expert opinions and helped with writing the report: RenoJackson, matSund, Goku, LovelyDuke, Memnarch, ForChrist, Cubyyy, qwerty, jjjjj, Yerna, Ail, Battletagger, SmellyHuffer, Lasagne, and LordXav. Starting October Right With the Best 12-Win Hearthstone Duels Meta Decks to Play Stormwind Duels Meta Update #1 - Best 12-Win Hearthstone Duels Decks For October Week 1 If you've had 12 win luck in Duels since the recent balance changes, be sure to add your starting decks to our site via the deckbuilder and share them in the comments below! The featured list uses plenty of 1-drops, Eggs, and Hobgoblin and Magic Carpet, largely based off the Standard list. Top Decks The best decks in the current meta. Reno Mage builds are quite varied and it will be interesting to see whether a specific build becomes well-established moving forward. Treachery Warlock is a favourite for many players. We then collect the result, standardize and categorize them in 4 different Tiers. Decks for Hearthstone's Wild format, using cards from every set ever made, starting with … Top Decks The best decks in the current meta. Using the recently changed Crystology, Mech Paladin aims to follow up with Grimestreet Smuggler and Smuggler's Run to buff a hand full of mechs. Linecracker Druid was one of the most hyped decks leading into the expansion. However, Reno Jackson and Reno the Relicologist give the deck a huge edge against other aggressive archetypes. Taunt Druid is built around Hadronox and Witching Hour, which together offer absurd levels of value and allow you to fill the board repeatedly. It’s always possible that Genn/Baku get nerfed, but I’d say it’s highly unlikely. Taunt Warrior is a minion-dense deck which uses Into the Fray and Bolster to buff taunt minions. By: corbettgames - October 4, 2020 - Updated: 1 year ago. The deck has numerous high-value and high-tempo early game minions which allow it to efficiently seize control of the board. By Shevek 28 May 2016. Real-Time Hearthstone Stats and Meta Reports Generated using actual hearthstone games. Big Priest was already showing a drop in playrate and performance following the release of Saviors of Uldum and the change to Barnes has only exacerbated things. Flame Ward and Arcane Flakmage are new additions that shored up a previous weakness Secret Mage had to wide-boards. Starting October Right With the Best 12-Win Hearthstone Duels Meta Decks to Play. Trying—and sharing—a new decklist will be as simple as copy and paste!" Cards like Rebuke and Oh My Yogg! Wild feels like it’s 90% questline decks. H 119. Hearthstone Battletag: beppe946#2807 (EU) Questline OTK Demon Hunter – Early #1 Legend (iNS4NE) – United in Stormwind. Reno Priest can be built in a few ways, but the most popular version is a cycle-heavy list using Spawn of Shadows and Prophet Velen as finishers when combined with Shadowreaper Anduin and Raza the Chained. The second is an archetype from one of his older streams, (Almost) OTK-Hunter, featuring Beastmaster Leoroxx, King Krush, Charged Devilsaur, and Lorekeeper Polkelt. When pushing wide instead Metaltooth Leaper acts as a powerful finisher, delivering a ton of burst damage. 1 Magic Trick 2. 1Guardian … Scholomance Academy Meta Decks - Pros Edition. Living Roots, Bloodsail Corsair and Patches the Pirate, and Fire Fly allow the deck to spread wide in the early turns. Demon Hunter Decks. Real-Time Hearthstone Stats and Meta Reports Generated using actual hearthstone games. We collected our experts’ opinions through a spreadsheet, where our Top Wild legend players will rate the given decks with a corresponding score from 1 to 4 in increments of 0.5 (with 1 being top Tier 1 and 4 being bottom Tier 4). The deck has fallen out of favour over recent expansions, but still maintains a small presence on ladder. Sense Demons into Voidcaller and Voidlord can make for a quick Taunt wall, only to be brought back in the late game by Bloodreaver Gul'dan. Even Shaman can fight for board control as well as any deck in the game, utilizing high tempo cards such as Murkspark Eel, Totem Golem, and Maelstrom Portal. A few new cards from Saviors of Uldum made for strong additions to the deck. 1. level 2. Classic Renolock Renolock Deck by AndrzejSmar - Dec 19, 2020. Share it down in the comments below after adding it to our deck database via our deckbuilder. The deck is still competitive, but needs a fairly dramatic shift in the meta to return to the top of the tier list. Master Duelist organizer and supervisor - come join us! Valeera the Hollow also gives plenty of value in the later stages of the game.. it’s just matter of not dying before getting to that point. Legendary vampire, Emrys Amara, changes Matthew's destiny when he's thrown into a world of kidnap victims, werewolves, deceit, and the rebirth of the greatest vampire clan in history. Give them Fel Reaver, play a bunch of cards, and suddenly your opponent has milled their entire deck! Until then, the Hearthstone’s Wild metagame is black and white: if you’re not playing one of the two main Questline Warlock archetypes, you’re playing decks to try and beat them. Mozaki OTK Mage Deck 24 spells, 6 minions aggro meta standard full-guide dr. 6,760. On this page, you will find the best Wild Decks Decks to play! TIER 1: These are the absolute best decks to take to the Wild ladder right now. Legal Notices Exodia Mage has chosen to lean on Emperor Thaurissan (rather than the Quest) to reduce the cost of at least four out of five combo pieces before going in on the combo. HEARTHSTONE. Found inside – Page 73Abb. 1 Spielszene aus einem Wild-Ranglistenspiel im Hauptspielmodus zusammengestellten Kartensätzen, den sogenannten Decks, einzeln gegeneinander an. Die Decks stellen Spieler_innen dabei aus der eigenen Kartensammlung zusammen, ... What should my game plan be to win that matchup? Underbelly Angler gives the deck plenty of reload and Toxfin helps in clearing through large taunts, both previous weaknesses for the deck. In neons post a few days ago he highlighted a few other Druid decks, like reno and quest Druid, and I was wondering what y’all thought of them. The deck aims to use a pair of BEEEES!!! In this meta report, we will be going through a tier list of 71 decks we’ve seen frequently on ladder, explain the method of computing the tier list, break down the meta and analyze the decks as detailed as they need to be. If you want to see all of the current top meta decks, go to our Hearthstone Meta Tier List post! You can read the report here: https://hearthstone-decks.net/team-wildside-wild-meta-report-october-2021/. This offers an alternate win condition against decks that are able to deal with the SN1P-SN4P board. Also new to this edition are essays from a wide range of the most celebrated prose writers of the modern era—from Susan Sontag, Eula Biss, and Michel Foucault to Anne Carson and Ta-Nehisi Coates. https://www.reddit.com/r/wildhearthstone/comments/cyelql/saviors_of_uldum_top_post_nerf_decks/. Welcome back to the Tempo Storm Hearthstone Wild Meta Snapshot! Keep track of the cards you and your opponent play with an in-game overlay. It was felt that this approach differentiated itself enough from most Reno Warlock builds that it deserved a separate discussion and listing. Shadowlands is 30% off, you can save 25% on Overwatch, and more. Interesting to see Big Priest goes even greedier after the nerf. Pillager Rogue has a very polarized matchup spread right now. We would like to thank these top legend players who have given us their … The second volume of this series dives deep into the depths of the Year of the Kraken, the first year of the game's standard format. I'm really enjoying Cube Warlock right now, but I'm struggling against Secret Mage. META AND FEATURED DECK (2021.11.23) Avast ye Swabs! Mind Blast Priest is a flexible deck built around dragons, Shadowreaper Anduin, and the now Wild-exclusive Mind Blast. on Linecracker to create a 1280 attack behemoth. 1 TWIN SLICE 2. Hearthstone Wild Meta Decks Tier List – Scholomance Academy Update. Best Deck Lists to Climb Standard Ladder - United in Stormwind - Platinum - Legend (November 2021) - Hearthstone Meta Stats Cards like SI:7 Agent and Backstab are incredible for gaining an early game advantage. Play Eggs and/or Khartut Defender. The Warlock class can be played at both a fast or slow pace, but both styles are built to take advantage of the same thing, the Warlock Hero Power. They haven’t had much time for refinement/ play, so They may be harder to evaluate. We'll take a look at HSReplay's data to see what are the strongest decks for each class at the moment.. DISCLAIMER: All stats mentioned were correct at the time of writing. Starting October Right With the Best 12-Win Hearthstone Duels Meta Decks to … My tiny brain can’t even comprehend such a high win rate! Secret Mage looks like it has all the tools to be a dominant deck for a long time. But if you don't wanna do that, then you just need to do your absolute best to play around their secrets until you can Guldan. Odd Paladin uses its upgraded Hero Power to take advantage of numerous Silver Hand Recruit synergies. The 1 mana hero power allows Thing from Below and Sea Giant to be cheated out efficiently, giving it a strong transition in the mid game. There's always some small adjustments that get made to use new successful cards, but the core of the deck always does well, regardless of those changes. Patch 21.3 came out on Tuesday and it had a massive impact on all the formats - Constructed, Battlegrounds, Duels and Arena. Kingsbane Rogue is one of the most aggressive decks in the format. Hearthstone is a digital-only collectible card game that revolves around turn-based matches between two opponents using pre-made decks of cards. Go to Top Decks Or see our budget decks ! The only "basic" decks, are those with basic cards. The Paladin class in Hearthstone usually finds various Aggro archetypes to maintain a presence in the meta.While over the years, some Control or Midrange archetypes managed to … It's a super fun deck and honestly it reminds me a lot of Yogg Druid, my favourite deck ever, because no two games ever feel the same. Worldwide Wild Hearthstone Community Announcing the Wild Invaders. Examines the history of French cooking and how the cuisine became associated with fine dining and cullinary excellence. The game plan is somewhat similar to Wild Murloc Paladin where we hit Prismatic Lens on 4 and win the game. Played by pros on high ladder rankings, with a positive winrate. Press J to jump to the feed. Secret Mage is arguably the worst head-to-head matchup for the archetype, and Jaina is everywhere. Even Shaman has a ton of options and potential builds. You’re able to lifetap deep into your deck looking for specific 1-ofs before Reno Jackson returns you to full health. The deck does struggle slightly against many aggressive decks but is an excellent counter to more passive decks. All deck stats and win-rates are calculated using data submitted by players. This type of list in its infancy in terms of refinement, but aims to play much for proactively than a traditional Reno Warlock. about that Hunter deck. Hearthstone Coaching Lesson Plan. Decks in Standard are getting more and more expensive to build each expansion, but Wild in other hand, seems to have a "stable" meta, unless they launch meta defining cards (like baku/genn/reno). Class: Mage - Format: wild - Type: combo - Season: season-92 - Style: ladder - Meta Deck: APM Mage - Link: Source.
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