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Real Lucilla did have a past romance with Maximus, when they were both young and had not yet married. Join 1000s of subscribers and receive the best Vintage News in your mailbox for FREE, Police arrest a 72-year-old “suburban grandfather” suspected of being the Golden State Killer, “I’m not dead yet”: some Buddhist monks followed self-mummification, Project Azorian: Howard Hughes’ secret mission, 1960s U.S. satellite that started transmitting again in 2013, The “Walk of Shame” in Game of Thrones historical inspiration, The only unsolved skyjacking case in U.S. history might have a break, Kurt Gödel became too paranoid to eat and died of starvation, “Little Ease”: One of the most feared torture devices in the Tower of London, The humble English girl who became Cora Pearl, Walt Disney softened the original Snow White story. Although in real life Commodus did not murder his father Marcus Aurelius, as he does in the movie Gladiator, the movie is similar to the real story in that both depict the assassination attempt by Commodus’s sister, followed by Commodus’s descent into madness and the way in which his ego led to recklessness and senseless violence. The final judgment on the character of this Roman leader, I leave up to you. Commodus Gladiator Dio Cassius wrote that Commodus killed five hippopotami at one time. The True Story of Commodus the Cruel Gladiator Emperor What is not said is that Verus was co-emperor with Marcus Aurelius. Gladiator The plot was orchestrated by his closest advisors, and apparently even included his mistress, Marcia. Commodus – the Outrageous Emperor who Fought as a … Offers a compelling study that compares modern-day America to the rise and fall of ancient Rome, offering a series of warnings, nuanced lessons, and thought-provoking strategies designed to avoid the Roman Empire's fate. The Gladiator. The Emperor Commodus: Gladiator, Hercules Or a Tyrant? Commodus banished Lucilla to the island of Capreae as punishment, and ordered her execution shortly after. And we saw Commodus training early in the movie. The relationship however ended and Maximus married and had a son, while Lucilla married, had a son and later was widowed. He also petitioned them to declare him a living god. He also ruled as co-emperor with his father Marcus Aurelius from 177 until his father's death in 180. The plot to assassinate him was orchestrated by Prefect Laetus, who initially convinced his mistress (Marcia) to put poison into his food, but Commodus vomited this up. According to, Roman historian Cassius Dio remarked, “This man was not naturally wicked but, on the contrary, as guileless as any man that ever lived. The Ending Of Gladiator Explained Commodus, whose full name was Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus, was proclaimed Caesar at age 5 and joint emperor (co-Augustus) at the age of 17, in 177 CE, by his father, Marcus Aurelius. ade to attend these spectacles, and that on one occasion Commodus killed an ostrich and displayed the severed head in one hand, his sword dripping with blood in the other, thus implying that he could treat them the same way. The first king was Romulus. culture of ancient Rome, the spirit of its time, and the psychological outlook characteristic of its period. The political infrastructure of ancient Rome evolved over time, and was actually more complex than portrayed in the film. Inaccurate: Maximus' Existence. Sestertius celebrating the birth of Commodus and his twin brother in 161, Tags: Aurelius, Commodus, Emperor Commodus, gladiator, Marcus Aurelius, Roman empire. In fact, Commodus was more of a gladiator himself and was strong and very skilled at fighting. Thank you so much! Why Famous: Roman Emperor from 180 to 192. Yes! Maximus also reminds one of the emperor Diocletian. He is recorded to have killed one hundred leopards with one hundred javelins. The fiction does however, appear to be inspired by actual historical events, as will be shown in the appropriate sections below. Bust of Bruttia Crispina. He appears credibly, as if he could perhaps be inspired by a collage of other, real, historical figures that have been researched, even if not one himself. This image has been perpetuated in several movies, especially the. If the ancient sources can be trusted, Commodus was even more bizarre in real life than he was in the film. Nevertheless, the film does emphasize Maximus’s worship of his family and ancestors, his obsessive compulsion for virtue and duty, and the stoical elements ever present in his character, which seem to be learned and informed, on the part of those who created this character. The film is inspired by real events, but should, and can not, be taken as an accurate historical source for true events, many of which are known to be different, and with certainty. Historian Aelius Lampridius tells us that “Commodus lived, rioting in the palace amid banquets and in baths along with 300 concubines, gathered together for their beauty and chosen from both matrons and harlots… By his orders concubines were debauched before his own eyes, and he was not free from the disgrace of intimacy with young men, defiling every part of his body in dealings with persons of either sex.”. Cassius Dio, a senator and historian, Commodus and his father wrote, in regards to the accession of Commodus, that “our history now descends from a kingdom of gold to one of iron and rust, as affairs did for the Romans of that day.”. Beside above, what does Commodus mean? From streetwalkers in the Roman Forum to imperial concubines, Roman prostitutes defined what it meant to be a 'bad girl'. Of course, the origins of Ridley Scott ‘s Gladiator go back almost two millennia with the true stories of the Roman Empire during the reigns of Marcus Aurelius and his son Commodus. The real Commodus was also a gladiator superfan, and he really did get in the arena and fight people. Interestingly, the real Commodus was much crueler than Phoenix’s on-screen version. “Sort of like Wakanda, only real.” Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus was born August 31, 161 AD in what is now Lanuvio, Italy to Emperor Marcus Aurelius and Faustina the Younger, the daughter of Emperor Antoninus Pius. These consuls, with equal power, were to guard against dictatorship. He changed the names of the calendar months after himself, renamed Rome to Colonia Lucia Annia Commodiana and erected statues of himself around the city. ▼ Coin of Commodus Ca. A learned study of a mother and daughter, both the wives of emperors, and their importance in the golden age of the Roman Empire However, Commodus’ incestuous inclination towards Lucilla, as seen in the movie, has no basis in fact. Commodus som Hercules. Dio Cassius wrote that Commodus was “a greater curse to the Romans than any pestilence or any crime.”. It makes all the hard work worthwhile! There is no evidence that the Emperor, nor even the … Although he did not exist, he seems as if he could be be a composite of actual historical figures. Best known for his passion for the gladiatorial games, which he took so far as to take to the arena himself, dressed as a gladiator. He however, was assassinated by his own soldiers. Scott, while historiographically imperfect, due to this creative effort in characterization, is to a certain extent avoiding the anachronisms of psychology present in such films as Spartacus, Cleopatra, and Ben Hur, where the characters appear to think and act solely like modern personages, while wearing unsoiled ancient costumes. From an early age he displayed signs of megalomania and he heeded no-one apart from his father. The real life Commodus was also mentally unstable, dressing up … That is a false theory which has no factual evidence in real life. After his betrayal and enslavement, the feel and smell of dirt becomes a reminder of everything stolen from Maximus by Commodus, inciting a deep desire for vengeance. He appears credibly, as if he could perhaps be inspired by a collage of other, real, historical figures that have been researched, even if not one himself. sources are clear; they did in fact exist. His name in full was Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus, and these are the titles to which he would have been referred, not the anachronistic “sire” and “my lord” as in the film. In this book, Jerry Toner set out to answer these questions by describing what it would have been like to attend Commodus' fantastic shows. When it … Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher-emperor who ruled the Roman Empire between AD 161 and 180, is one of the best recorded individuals from antiquity. When he was just five years old, Commodus was given the title of Caesar and this designated him as the heir of Marcus Aurelius. Text by Lauren Shelton. ▼ Coin of Lucilla Ca. Reveals tales of sex and love from ancient Greece, Rome, and other Mediterranean cultures, offering insight into these civilizations' beliefs about contraception, bisexuality, cross-dressing, nymphomania, and erotic practices. On this day in AD 192, the Roman emperor Commodus was murdered. Maximus Decimus Meridius (his full name is stated only once in the film) is a fictitious character! 123 writers online. Upper class Romans did not partake in tattooing, which they associated with either marginal groups, or foreigners, such as Thracians, who were known to tattoo extensively. Commodus loved to kill anything he found “odd” in the arena. They then hired his favorite wrestler known as Narcissusus and he murdered the Emperor in his bath. Instead of being remembered as a month or a Hercules, he will forever be associated with Commodes. Ridley Scott brings the splendour of Ancient Rome to the big screen, with Russell Crowe as the Roman general who wreaks vengeance on the man who rules the Roman empire. The film is released on 19th May 2000. ▼ Bronze bust of Lucius Verus, Roman, (Ca. This wasn’t confined to the arena, either. While highly original in its own right, the film’s plot does curiously resemble the 1964 film, It appears that Scott attempts to present not just a reconstruction of empirical facts, but also to boldly  present to us his vision of the. Commodus loved his sister (too much, some critics say), but he didn’t hesitate to have her killed … The movie "Gladiator" depicts Commodus as a true uber-villain, and this is no exaggeration. Lucius Aurelius Commodus (efter år 180 Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus ), född 31 augusti 161 i Lanuvium, död 31 december 192 i Rom (mördad), var romersk kejsare från 17 mars 180 (medregent till Marcus Aurelius från 177). Commodus becomes emperor and orders the death of Maximus and his family. He was played by Russell Crowe, who also portrayed Jor-El in Man of Steel and Bud White in L.A. The kings were overthrown in a revolution, which was sparked by the rape of Lucretia, in 509 BCE, by Sextus Tarquin, the son of the seventh and last king, Tarquinius Superbus. Historians claim that he gave poisoned figs to his guards and made some devotees of Isis use pinecones to beat themselves to death. The real Commodus was also a gladiator superfan, and he really did get in the arena and fight people. Likewise, people ask, what Gladiator got wrong? A republic is a system of government which does not have a hereditary monarch. Leadership, or the lack there of, has been a trending theme for the past several years within Washington, Wall Street, and even Main Street. Think of him as a famous gladiator version of Connor McGregor. Commodus ruled the empire alongside Aurelius for around three years, and after his father’s death, Commodus reigned for over twelve years, up until 192 AD, quite unlike the short period of rule that he is assigned to in the film. In 177 AD, Commodus was made co-ruler of the Roman Empire with his father. The Latin word for “tattoo” was stigma, and our modern meaning of stigmatize, as a pejorative, has clearly evolved from the Latin. Other important political entities, along with the Senate, were the Plebeian Tribunate, as well as the Comitia Centuriata. Commodus was a spoiled, narcissistic young man who was something of an embarrassment to his father. Legend has it that Rome was originally ruled by Etruscan kings. Dictators and kings were thereafter despised by Romans, hence, the ideological adulation of a republican system of government, which was a central theme of  Roman history, and thus correctly emphasized in the movie, and unlikely by accident, it should be noted. The death of Marcus Aurelius in the year 180 A.D threw the Roman Empire into chaos. Gladiator combat is a common topic when discussing the Roman Empire. Readers of this volume, however, will discover all the incredible details of gladiator life from the porridge they ate to the muscle massages they received! We see such marks on the hands of soldiers. Hur, where the characters appear to think and act solely like modern personages, while wearing unsoiled ancient costumes. Maximus was a Roman Legatus (General) from Spain who Emperor Marcus Aurelius asked to succeed him instead of his son, Commodus, as Commodus was seen as corrupt. He believed himself to be a reincarnation of Hercules, and enjoyed fighting in an arena as a gladiator. Commodus claimed to be descended from the God Hercules, and even began to dress like him, wearing lion skins and carrying a club. This was the first time in history that the Roman Empire had two joint emperors of formally equal constitutional status and powers, although in reality, Marcus was clearly the ruler of Rome. He also ruled as co-emperor with his father Marcus Aurelius from 177 until his father's death in 180. Movie Commodus In the movie “Gladiator”, Emperor Commodus is portrayed as an unstable and neurotic sadist who killed his own father for the throne of the Roman Empire. It is true that during the fight the gladiators could also challenge some animals, like tigers in this case, although usually they preferred lions; The character of Proximo (Oliver Reed) is a lanista, trainer and owner of the gladiators, the person that organized all the fights. En cuanto a las circunstancias reales de la muerte de su padre, ver más abajo. If the ancient sources can be trusted, Commodus was even more bizarre in real life than he was in the film. ▼ Engraved Gem, Warrior or Gladiator, European, (Ca. Commodus’ paranoia turned to cruelty, as could be seen, for instance, when he tried to kill the woman he loved (his mistress)—more than once. Diocletian, who ruled Rome from 284 to 305 CE, was born in the lower classes, like Maximus. It discusses the film’s plot and ending, so if you have not seen the movie yet, you may want to come back later! In the film, the character based on Lucilla was played by the Danish actress Connie Nielsen.. Crowe portrays the Hispano-Roman general Maximus Decimus Meridius, the man betrayed by Commodus. We see, such marks on the hands of soldiers. They had no children, and, about ten years into the marriage, she was banished to Capri and later was executed for adultery. Byst i Kapitolinska museerna . Then rub in the ink.”, The Christian emperor Constantine, ca. In this case, the truth is even stranger than the fiction. Having no living brothers, as his twin died at the age of four, he was brought up to be Emperor. Dio Cassius explained how some women performed as venatores, that is gladiators who fought wild beasts. Women were forbidden from gladiatorial performances shortly after the time of Commodus, by the emperor Alexander Severus, in 200 CE. Tacitus, for instance, wrote that Nero staged “a number of gladiatorial shows, equal in magnificence to their predecessors, though more women of rank and senators disgraced themselves in the arena”. Get it as soon as Sat, Jun 26. 170 – 180 CE), The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, digital image courtesy of the Getty’s Open Content Program. He renamed Rome Colonia Commodiana, the “Colony of Commodus”, and renamed the months of the year after titles held in his honour, namely, Lucius, Aelius, Aurelius, Commodus, Augustus, Herculeus, Romanus, Exsuperatorius, Amazonius, Invictus, Felix, and Pius. DID COMMODUS REALLY FIGHT AS A GLADIATOR? Hence, our present day historiography still reflects, rightly or wrongly, this ancient bias. to daughter Lucilla, Lucius Verus, was made co-. Also, while he engaged himself in gladiator battles, he … Unbiased History's Version of Commodus is a mix of the real life Emperor Commodus and the character seen in the 2000 Film "Gladiator", interpreted by Joaquin Phoenix. Bust of Commodus as Hercules, hence the lion skin, the club and the golden apples of the Hesperides. His closest advisor, Perennis, who took on Commodus’ emperor duties, attempted to assassinate him, but the plot failed and Perennis was executed. The breaking point and Commodus’ real death. Commodus did execute two well-regarded brothers named Maximus and Condianus who served as Roman Consuls in 151, but there is no record of a General … Forbes, the WSJ, and academic journals have stressed a current void of leadership in America and the need for new leaders to step up to the plate. This goes a long way to overcome the low RTP offered by the slot. The movie The Fall of the Roman Empire makes use of this story: one of the characters is an old gladiator who eventually reveals himself to be Commodus's real father. He was on the verge of annexing much of modern Central Europe to the Empire. Commodus went so far as to declare himself the new founder of Rome, a “new Romulus”. From the author of Caligula (an engrossing new spin on a well-known tale - The Times) comes a new standalone novel in the Damned Emperors series: Commodus. 162AD. 1434 Words6 Pages. As a theatrical treat, he would slice the heads off of ostriches with crescent-headed arrows, which would then run around the amphitheater headless. Maximus, the main character, is not one of those. This he reportedly was going to do even outfitted as a gladiator, in his lion skins, with appropriate weapons. A former Roman General sets out to exact vengeance against the corrupt emperor who murdered his family and sent him into slavery. The ideology which he represents is however, somewhat authentic. While the cause of Marcus Aurelius’ death puzzles historians even today, it is confirmed that Commodus had no hand in it. ▼ Title pages from The Emperor Marcus Antoninus : his conversation with himself (The Meditations), Marcus Aurelius, London: (1701), Duke University Libraries. After his last battle he wants to return to his family. But the new Emperor Commodus hates Maximus, and kills his family. Soon Maximus is a prisoner, then a slave, and finally a gladiator. Written somewhere between 197-202, the work looks at the moral legitimacy and consequences of Christians attending the circus, theatre, or amphitheatre. He was more self-centered, strange, and a maniac than the emotional psychotic version shown in the movie. His work The Meditations, although more a compilation of existing stoical thought than a work of great originality, remains a highly readable classic in philosophy. Several leading figures entered a conspiracy. In the time of the Republic, Rome was not ruled by emperors, but rather by two consuls. This was an actual title one could achieve (Pater Patriae, or Father of the Fatherland) which Commodus was awarded in AD 177. Petronius, in The Satyricon, wrote of female charioteers. If anything, Hollywood handled him with kid gloves. Why Famous: Roman Emperor from 180 to 192. In 192 AD, the people of Rome had enough. Flamma. There was in fact a general by the name of Avidius Cassius, who was involved in the military campaign shown in the film, and, upon hearing a rumor of Marcus Aurelius’ death, declared himself emperor. Get ready for one of the most fascinating ancient  history books that you have ever read! An emperor is a monarch. Crixus. Commodus in the film was a Boy Scout compared to what he was in real life, he's right up there with Caligula and was just as crazy (murder, sadism, blood sports and putting the K in kinky). Additionally, Commodus charged Rome financially every time he appeared in the arena. Also, while he engaged himself in gladiator battles, he … Historians from the time of Commodus have not been kind to him. The Emperor Domitian staged games in which women battled pygmies. Russell Crowe in Gladiator (2000). Reality was very different than the film in this instance. The Senate was informed that his name would no longer be Commodus; he was to be called Hercules, son of Zeus. 4 He Shirked His Duties.

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