Virion formation occurs when nucleocapsids, previously assembled in the cytoplasm, bud through the cell plasma membrane, acquiring a lipoprotein envelope. The black arrow indicates the proximal pole, where the nucleocapsid core approaches closer to the glycoprotein shell, whereas the red arrow indicates the distal pole, where the core is farthest from the shell. 1994;80(2-3):211-20. doi: 10.1111/j.1768-322x.1994.tb00932.x. We do not capture any email address. nucleocapsid Icosahedral Discs Capsomers (a) (b) (c) Nucleic acid Capsid begins forming helix. Cryo-EM movies of immature and mature KUNV were collected on an FEI Titan Krios equipped with a K2 direct electron detector. The objective lens astigmatism was corrected with s2stigmator (35). For several paramyxoviruses and filoviruses, these nucleocapsids are incorporated into virus-like particles (VLPs) when coexpressed with viral envelope glycoproteins and matrix proteins (Casabona, Levingston Macleod, Loureiro, Gomez, & Lopez, 2009; Ciancanelli & Basler, 2006; Coronel, Murti, Takimoto, & Portner, 1999; Johnson, Bell, & Harty, 2006; Johnson, McCarthy, Godlewski, & Harty, 2006; Li et al., 2009; Licata, Johnson, Han, & Harty, 2004; Pantua et al., 2006; Patch et al., 2008; Schmitt, Leser, Waning, & Lamb, 2002; Shtanko et al., 2010). Found inside Page 45The reoviruses have an icosahedral double capsid with fiberlike proteins partially extended from each vertex. The outer capsid protects the virus and promotes its uptake across the gastrointestinal tract and into target cells, A study of the morphogenesis of virions is also presented. A chapter is devoted to virus-induced changes of cell structures and functions. The book can provide useful information to virologists, microbiologists, students, and researchers. The fit of the C backbone of the SCP model (yellow-green) within the density is shown at the right of the diagram.
Advertisement The reconstruction maintained its icosahedral symmetry and did not have an eccentrically positioned core. Orthomyxoviruses undergo transcription and RNA replication in the nucleus of the In agreement with this hypothesis, a simulation of icosahedral virus budding determined that the final one to three subunits were not incorporated into nascent particles (29). Unlike flaviruses, alphaviruses, including CHIKV, have a well-ordered icosahedral nucleocapsid within the membrane envelope (Fig. A blue band was observed near the 20%/25% interface, and was extracted with a 22-gauge needle and syringe. Mutant virus can be derived from these clones.
(B) Cross-section of the icosahedral reconstruction. Found inside Page 27B. Diagram: polyhedral (icosahedral) nucleocapsid with glycoprotein spikes; fig.: transmission electron microscopy of adenovirus from a patient who suffered from acute gastroenteritis . C. Diagram: herpesvirus enveloped polyhedral An asymmetric reconstruction was calculated for immature ZIKV, using previously published data (4). Measles and canine distemper viruses have F proteins that are cleaved in the ER/Golgi by furin-like or cathepsin-like proteases. The association of the nucleocapsids with the nuclear membrane is facilitated by the viral tegument proteins. Virions contain at least 40 proteins and lipids, as well as internal structures called lateral bodies. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Il, with permission. Found inside Page 6Papillomavirus produces only two capsid proteins and poliovirus four, but more complex viruses may encode a larger variety. Picornaviruses, adenoviruses and papovaviruses have a nucleocapsid structure with icosahedral symmetry (each In an icosahedron, the capsid is composed of 20 faces, each shaped as an equilateral triangle (Figure 1 ). In the first round, 50 classes were used, and 11 classes were selected that contained 16,938 particles. T = 4 icosahedral symmetry. Structural biology of Zika virus and other flaviviruses, Structures of immature flavivirus particles, Immature and mature dengue serotype 1 virus structures provide insight into the maturation process, Structure of the immature Zika virus at 9 resolution, Structure of the immature dengue virus at low pH primes proteolytic maturation, The flavivirus precursor membrane-envelope protein complex: Structure and maturation, Structure of dengue virus: Implications for flavivirus organization, maturation, and fusion, Cryo-EM structure of the mature dengue virus at 3.5- resolution, The 3.8 resolution cryo-EM structure of Zika virus, Structure of the thermally stable Zika virus, Structural analysis of viral nucleocapsids by subtraction of partial projections, Solution structure of dengue virus capsid protein reveals another fold, West Nile virus core protein; tetramer structure and ribbon formation, Crystal structure of the capsid protein from Zika virus, Structure of epsilon15 bacteriophage reveals genome organization and DNA packaging/injection apparatus, Visualization of uncorrelated, tandem symmetry mismatches in the internal genome packaging apparatus of bacteriophage T7, Asymmetric cryo-EM structure of the canonical Allolevivirus Q reveals a single maturation protein and the genomic ssRNA in situ, Asymmetric cryo-EM reconstruction of phage MS2 reveals genome structure in situ, In situ structures of the genome and genome-delivery apparatus in a single-stranded RNA virus, Cryo-EM shows the polymerase structures and a nonspooled genome within a dsRNA virus, In situ structures of the segmented genome and RNA polymerase complex inside a dsRNA virus, The novel asymmetric entry intermediate of a picornavirus captured with nanodiscs, Shake, rattle, and roll: Impact of the dynamics of flavivirus particles on their interactions with the host, RELION: Implementation of a Bayesian approach to cryo-EM structure determination, Molecular organization of a recombinant subviral particle from tick-borne encephalitis virus, Two distinct size classes of immature and mature subviral particles from tick-borne encephalitis virus, Why enveloped viruses need cores-the contribution of a nucleocapsid core to viral budding, Unique requirement for ESCRT factors in flavivirus particle formation on the endoplasmic reticulum, Three-dimensional structure of herpes simplex virus from cryo-electron tomography, Retrovirus envelope protein complex structure in situ studied by cryo-electron tomography, Self-assembly of an alphavirus core-like particle is distinguished by strong intersubunit association energy and structural defects, Detection of late intermediates in virus capsid assembly by charge detection mass spectrometry, Real-time detection and single-pass minimization of TEM objective lens astigmatism, Appion: An integrated, database-driven pipeline to facilitate EM image processing, Automated molecular microscopy: The new Leginon system, MotionCor2: Anisotropic correction of beam-induced motion for improved cryo-electron microscopy, CTFFIND4: Fast and accurate defocus estimation from electron micrographs, FindEMA fast, efficient program for automatic selection of particles from electron micrographs, cryoSPARC: Algorithms for rapid unsupervised cryo-EM structure determination, UCSF ChimeraA visualization system for exploratory research and analysis, Quantifying the local resolution of cryo-EM density maps, Single particle cryo-electron microscopy and 3-D reconstruction of viruses, Automated tilt series alignment and tomographic reconstruction in IMOD, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,, Resuspended dust and lead pollution in London, Painted lady butterfly population fluctuations, Core Concept: In the wake of COVID-19, decentralized clinical trials get popular, Opinion: Toward inclusive global governance of human genome editing. (6) Maturation in the trans-Golgi network results in a large conformational rearrangement and distortions across the particle. All DNA viruses except the family Poxviridae carry out their replication in the nucleus, and therefore would not be capable of completing their life cycles in enucleated cells. KUNV virus, strain MRM61C, was added to 7 107 C6/36 cells at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 8 in twenty, 150-mm dishes. It is classified as a member of the genus Varicellovirus, subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae, family Herpesviridae. 1). The virion consists of a nucleic acid core, thegenome, surrounded by a protein coat, the capsid (Fig.
Thus, the generated three-dimensional capsid is constructed from repetitive multi-protein subunit copies pincers, bottom) and are capped at the ends of their filamentous nucleocapsid [33,34]. There are 60 copies of the trimeric glycoproteins present as spikes on the immature virus (24). The maximum external diameter of the glycoprotein shell is 560 . Although the capsids of all icosahedral viruses have this sort of symmetry, they can vary in the number of capsomers; for example, a poliovirus has 32 and an adenovirus has 242 capsomers. Hepatitis B Virus Antigens and Antibodies. The helical nucleocapsids of (-) RNA viruses appear disordered within the envelope of all viruses except the rhabdoviruses, in which they are coiled in a regular fashion (see later). In particular, we acknowledge Yue Liu for many discussions on data processing. Example: phage PRD1 The 3D reconstruction was computed from 68 independent particle images. One icosahedral asymmetric unit lies within the triangle (red) bounded by two threefold axes and one fivefoid axis. After exposure to low pH in the trans-Golgi network, the glycoproteins undergo a conformational rearrangement from 60 trimers to 90 dimers, which lie flat on the virus surface (5, 6). A low T factor was suggested to promote the emergence of asymmetric features in the refinement of other viruses (22). The icosahedral capsid consists of nucleocapsid (N) proteins, which surround the single-stranded RNA genome. We present a computational model motivated by icosahedral enveloped viruses, which consist of nucleocapsid (a protein shell encasing the genome) and an outer envelope composed of a lipid membrane and transmembrane glycoproteins. The left half of the diagram is colored to represent different viral components: spikes (blue), phospholipid bilayer (green), core protein (yellow), and the RNAprotein interior (red). Bornavirus nucleocapsids contain N and RNA, associated with P and L proteins. Knowledge of the atomic structure of the capsid protein and our reconstruction allows us to identify capsid-protein residues that interact with the RNA, the glycoproteins, and adjacent capsid-proteins. 0. Immature and mature reconstructions were contoured at 3 in UCSF Chimera (42). The total dose for each image stack of 40 frames was 24 electrons per 2. Tectiviridae phages- no envelope, 60 nm, flexible lipid vesicle, pseudo-tail, dsDNA. The closing of the shell is likely impeded by the high membrane curvature and steric clashes with adjacent spike glycoproteins at the bud neck, and probably results in missing trimers at the distal pole. The E1 and E2 viral glycoproteins are embedded in the lipid bilayer. In the absence of a core, recombinant subviral particles containing prM and E have been reported to have a triangulation number of T = 1 (27). Basore K, Ma H, Kafai NM, Mackin S, Kim AS, Nelson CA, Diamond MS, Fremont DH. The reconstruction for mature virus was performed similarly. One of the key questions about assembly of these viruses is how nucleocapsids are selected for assembly. Performance assessment of a multi-epitope chimeric antigen for the serological diagnosis of acute Mayaro fever. capsid [kapsid] the shell of protein that protects the nucleic acid of a virus; it is composed of structural units, or capsomers. Found inside Page 53Virion: Icosahedral(MW = 6.510"). Nucleocapsid. Icosahedral. 3. 100 nm. Plate 5.19 Floating genus. Machlornovirus. Nucleic acid. RNA. Genome. Single-stranded, positive sense, I linear segment. Morphology: Non-enveloped. We acknowledge Rodney McPhail for the artwork of Fig. Viruses are so small that, they can be seen at magnifications provided by electron microscope. (A) Icosahedral reconstruction of mature virus colored radially, as indicated by the color key, with the asymmetric unit indicated by a black triangle. The icosahedral reconstruction of the immature virus was used as an initial model and low-pass filtered to 35 . R37 GM033050/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States, R01 GM033050/GM/NIGMS NIH HHS/United States, P01 AI035212/AI/NIAID NIH HHS/United States. (F) Central slice of the reconstruction looking along the 5-fold axis from the starfish-shaped feature showing the enveloped nucleocapsid surrounded by a lower density space. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. John Staczek, in Encyclopedia of Virology (Second Edition), 1999. To make the gradient, 1.5 mL of each layer was overlaid using a 1-mL pipette tip that was cut with scissors to reduce mixing of the layers during layering. Nucleic acid Figure 6.5 Assembly of helical nucleocapsids . Thus, there may be similar RNA sequences present in both genomes and antigenomes that promote nucleocapsid assembly into virus particles analogous to that in genomic RNA of VSV. There were 387 and 369 movies collected for immature and mature virus, respectively. Among the viruses with nonsegmented genomes, VSV displays perhaps the highest level of specificity for envelopment of nucleocapsids with negative-strand versus positive-strand RNA. T=3 icosahedral nucleocapsid. No. The defocus range used was 0.5 to 3 m. D. the 1D). A structural model of CoV proposes that N protein is not only present in the helical nucleocapsid but also in the internal spherical/icosahedral core . This DNA polymerase has reverse transcriptase activity similar to retroviruses. The capsid protects the viral genome, helps in cell recognition, entry, and controls uncoating. Comprised of multimers of 1 gene product. This envelope is composed of proteins sandwiched between two layers of lipids or fats. Found inside Page 79The final structure is the rigid TMV helical nucleocapsid with a diameter of 15 nm, a length of 300 nm, and a pitch of 2.3 nm. 2. Icosahedral Nucleocapsids The size (and organization) of icosahedral nucleocapsids is dependent solely on It would seem probable that other enveloped viruses might have a similar assembly process within a cell. Viral nucleocapsids come in two basic shapes, although the overall appearance of a virus can be altered by the presence of an envelope, if present. The cores of alphaviruses and hepatitis B virus were assumed to be icosahedral, but have been found to assemble with imperfect icosahedral symmetry (33, 34).
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